View Full Version : SetupBuilder 'How Do I' Questions

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  1. How to test for variable length or limit a variable to a max length
  2. Open OptionalFeatures
  3. Reference previous installdir, lock down installdir
  4. Title of Setup Requirements error messages
  5. How to do an automatic MsSql Express installer
  6. Font Color in Custom Dialog
  7. SB 10 - Username and Password
  8. Question about Custom Uninstall Includes
  9. Code Sign success but not
  10. how to do an "if registry..." statement
  11. Enter a line break in a runtime variable
  12. How to include 3rd party installations
  13. Installing to Admin account instead of User Account
  14. Packaging Multiple DLLs Built by .NET
  15. How to add new core prerequisite other than the present ones in Setup Builder 10
  16. How do I create setup with Auto Updater
  17. How to create msi executable package using SB10
  18. How to install setup.exe with group policy
  19. How do I get the logs of installation
  20. How can we change Execution Level runtime
  21. How do I get current User Name?
  22. How do I use Call DLL function to call C# DLL
  23. Not able to pass compiler variables via Command Line
  24. Getting error while compiling setupbuilder project from jenkins
  25. How to do silent installation using command switch
  26. How do I running process using process Id or process name and kill it
  27. How can we stop installation with message if already same version setup is installed
  28. How Do I Conditionally Hide/Show A Dialog?
  29. How do I ensure a file is named exactly a certain value at install time?
  30. Is there a "master list" of "ControlIDs", If so, how do I findit?
  31. Retrieve password for Code Signing
  32. Run supplied exe, capture it's output and display in a dialog.
  33. How do I use "If..." based on out/return of a command
  34. How do I check for Microsoft Visual C++ 2009
  35. How can I huild a custom uninstall queus?
  36. REG: How to set features by answer file
  37. Setting version number in "Add / remove programs"
  38. Unable To Install SetupBuilder 8.0.4000
  39. Installer Backup File Selection (New to SB)
  40. How to determine windows service pack version
  41. Adressing the Files
  42. How to code sign with new EV usb tokem?
  43. How Do I Loop A Dialog
  44. how can i clone an existing dialog and its functionality for use in the VDE
  45. Padding variables with spaces/blanks
  46. How do I force the deletion of an entire folder when the UNINSTALLER is run?
  47. Cannot load rich edit control - yes I realize this is an old type of error
  48. Checking User's rights?
  49. MicrosoftAccess DAO (mdb database) redistribution?
  50. Windows on ARM as target OS
  51. How do I create an installer that is both an ungrade and a new version installer
  52. how to Disable a checkbox
  53. DigiCert KeyLocker
  54. Needing to Customize Custom Installation
  55. Failed to load plugin Shellx64.dll
  56. How to terminate 64-bit processes from SetupBuilder (a 32-bit application)?
  57. How do I create a "Delayed file action"