View Full Version : Selective Patching ?

02-22-2006, 02:43 AM
In SetupBuilder 4, I used a particular feature of the patching facility to
very good effect, but there doesn't seem to be the same capability in 5.

I have a product which has two fundamental variants (and multiple versions
within those). The users generally do NOT know which variant they have. So
we have a single patch program that selectively updates all the versions for
one variant into the latest version for that variant, and updates all the
others into the latest version of the other variant. We DON'T want to
replace/patch unless we get a match.

This is really simple in SetupBuilder 4, by checking the "Always skip if
target is not a valid version" checkbox for each of the (currently 16)
executable patches.

Is there an equivalent functionality (which I have obviously missed) that
allows me to do the same thing in SetupBuilder5

Warren Marshall

02-22-2006, 02:43 AM

Thank you for your suggestion. "Skip Invalid Patch" function added to
SetupBuilder 5.3.

It will be available in the next build.

Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5