View Full Version : Next SetupBuilder 5.3 build status [03-Mar-2006]

03-03-2006, 04:21 AM
News from the "SetupBuilder Code Room"

The new interface to support "configurable" runtime include scripts is
nearly code complete. The upcoming SetupBuilder 5.4 Developer Edition
will provide the following built-in "point and click" runtime include

* SQL Server 2005 Express redistribution
* .NET Framework 2.0 redistribution
* Visual C++ 2005 Runtime redistribution
* Windows Installer 3.1 (v2) redistribution
* Windows Installer 2.0 redistribution
* SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine redistribution
* Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 SP1 redistribution
* SqlXml 3.0 Service Pack 3 (SP3) redistribution
* More to come...

We are working on Crystal Report Xi redistribution support (requires a
different technology).

What additional runtime support would you expect to see in future
SetupBuilder 5.x Developer Edition versions?

Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

03-03-2006, 04:21 AM
This is the latest internal Change log:

Change log for release of SetupBuilder 5.4 Build 1428 (March 03, 2006)


FEATURE : Add "rt_sql2005expr.sbi" runtime include script to automate
the installation of SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.

FEATURE : Add "rt_dotnetframework_x86.sbi" runtime include script to
automate the installation of the .NET Framework 2.0.

FEATURE : Add "rt_vc2005redist_x86.sbi" runtime include script to
automate the installation of the Visual C++ 2005 Runtime

FEATURE : Add "rt_msi31redist_x86.sbi" runtime include script to automate
the installation of the Windows Installer 3.1 (v2).

FEATURE : Add "rt_msi20redist_x86.sbi" runtime include script to automate
the installation of the Windows Installer 2.0 (Windows 95/98/
ME only).

FEATURE : Add "rt_msde2000a.sbi" runtime include script to automate the
Microsoft(R) SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000)
Release A installation.

FEATURE : Add "rt_mdac28_x86.sbi" runtime include script to automate the
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 SP1 installation.

FEATURE : Add "rt_sqlxml30sp2.sbi" runtime include script to automate the
SqlXml 3.0 Service Pack 3 (SP3) Redistributable installation.

IMPROVEMENT: If an "Include Script" is configurable, display a "Include
Script Compiler Variables Configuration" in the #include
script... compiler directive dialog.

IMPROVEMENT: "#def - Get Value from INI File" supports constants and
compiler variables now.

IMPROVEMENT: "#const - Get Value from INI File" supports constants and
compiler variables now.

IMPROVEMENT: [SB#602222] Add "Skip Invalid Patch" File Properties option.
File patching will be skipped during the file installation
process if the file to be updated is not a valid update

IMPROVEMENT: Add [SB5_RUNTIMES] compiler variable.

IMPROVEMENT: Script comment size increased to 512 bytes.

IMPROVEMENT: Add "Silent restart" option to "Reboot/Restart System" script

IMPROVEMENT: "Wait" installer dialog is more responsive to redrawing events
if external programs are running and the "Wait" option is used.

IMPROVEMENT: "#set compiler variable" compiler directive: add "Include
Script Compiler Variable Configuration" option.

IMPROVEMENT: Add "Increase" and "Decrease" Value Options to the "#def"
compiler directive.

FIX : "#def - Get Value from INI File" was not working as expected.

FIX : Script Editor: vertical scroll bar thumb resizing issue.

FIX : Dialogs Visualizer: Canceling a Define Wizard Dialog made the
Script Editor "read-only".

FIX : [SB#602221] "Send Install Event Entry" item could not be
deleted from within the Script Editor.

FIX : "Add RegistryRunOnce Entry" item could not be deleted from
within the Script Editor.

FIX : "Get System Information - .NET Status" function did not detect
the final version of the .NET 2.0 Framework.

FIX : Script Editor: possible duplicate items in Include Script Tab

FIX : [SB#602271] Under certain circumstances Internet Shortcut
creation failed (create folder problem).

FIX : Under certain circumstances uninstall did not remove folders
recursively created by the installer.

FIX : Under certain circumstances the compiler reported iDeploy
errors even if iDeploy was disabled.

CHANGE : Selecting a variable in the Setup Editor's "Script Variable"
list highlights the script line that defines the variable.

CHANGE : Script Editor: cosmetic Include Script Tab modification.

CHANGE : Installer "Wait" dialog: cosmetic modifications.

CHANGE : "#set compiler variable" compiler directive: Value can be an
empty string now.

CHANGE : "msde2000a.sbi" include script is obsolete now.

CHANGE : "Get System Information - MDAC Status" changed into "MDAC

CHANGE : "Get System Information - Windows Installer Version" returns
"0" now (instead of an empty string) if Windows Installer is
not available.

CHANGE: : Increment version number to 5.4.

REGRESSION : [SB#602241] The delete key no longer worked in the Script

REGRESSION : Possible "Run Program" issue.


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

03-03-2006, 08:39 AM

Will the Crystal Report redistribution support other versions of
Crystal Report besides just XI.

Jim Mumford

03-03-2006, 08:39 AM

Currently we only have plans for Crystal Reports Xi. This is not a
trivial task. The only way to redistribute Crystal Reports Xi is
via .msm Merge Modules. What we try to do is to convert the .msm
Merge Modules into .msi Windows Installers and then install it
through the "runtime" include script.

Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

03-03-2006, 10:20 AM
> What additional runtime support would you expect to see in future
> SetupBuilder 5.x Developer Edition versions?

Clarion 7 <bg>

Russ Eggen

03-03-2006, 10:20 AM

Good thing is we are ready to deploy Clarion 7.NET applications.
Support for the .NET Framework and GAC installation is already
included in SetupBuilder 5. We can even install native 64-bit
apps :) Parts of SetupBuilder 5 are written in 64-bit to handle


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

03-03-2006, 10:20 AM
Added Microsoft Visual J# Version 2.0 redistribution.

Updated list:

* SQL Server 2005 Express redistribution
* .NET Framework 2.0 redistribution
* Visual C++ 2005 Runtime redistribution
* Windows Installer 3.1 (v2) redistribution
* Windows Installer 2.0 redistribution
* SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine redistribution
* Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 SP1 redistribution
* SqlXml 3.0 Service Pack 3 (SP3) redistribution
* Microsoft Visual J# Version 2.0 redistribution

Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

03-06-2006, 12:56 AM
> Good thing is we are ready to deploy Clarion 7.NET applications.
> Support for the .NET Framework and GAC installation is already
> included in SetupBuilder 5.




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03-06-2006, 12:56 AM


03-07-2006, 06:47 AM
How about SQL-DMO?

Benjamin Krajmalnik

03-07-2006, 06:47 AM

Do you have a download URL for the runtime files?


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

03-09-2006, 01:26 AM

Let me see if I can find something for you.

03-09-2006, 01:26 AM
> > Benjamin,
> >
> > Do you have a download URL for the runtime files?
> > > How about SQL-DMO?



03-10-2006, 09:04 AM
Hi Friedrich

When do you expect to release a build which includes the patch feature (skip
if not valid previous version)?


03-10-2006, 09:31 AM
Hi Warren,

We don't have a specific release date for SetupBuilder 5.4 at this time.
We'll run tests on a server farm this weekend. I hope we can release the
new build next week.


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

03-13-2006, 06:14 AM
Thanks Friedrich - I greatly appreciate you keeping us all informed - your
feedback and resolution of problems is among the best in the business


03-13-2006, 06:15 AM
Ditto - product superb - support fantastic.

J André Labuschagné

03-18-2006, 04:29 AM
Thank you André!


03-18-2006, 04:29 AM
Thank you Warren!
