View Full Version : Complex options....

03-08-2006, 10:02 AM
I want to create a single installation where I install my application, and then proceed to run the installation of a few OCX and the crystal reports client.

The installation has a few complications.
1) The installation should allow the user to select the location from a list of six possible sites. I have been able to do this by using "Setup Types" and the Advanced Setup Type dialog.
2) The installation should OPTIONALLY allow the installation of some "Features" irrespective of the site. The features are the ASA ODBC driver, a couple of OCXs, and the crystal report client.

How do I do #2? I tried, for example, adding a new setup type for ASA, but then I get ASA along with the location setup types, which is not what I want...

And finally, how do I run the other installations. For example the Crystal Reports client. This is an executable which I would like to run after my program has installed (if the user selected that feature).


03-08-2006, 10:24 AM

The "Run" functions also support Features. From the list (Conditions tab), select the feature with which you want to associate the run.

Of course, you can also use the "If Feature..." statement in the script to control your run functions.

Does this help?

03-08-2006, 10:28 AM
By the way, you can also display a "Check Boxes" dialog to handle this.


03-08-2006, 04:50 PM
I'm still lost with respect to the features and setup types.

I need to first display a dialog which shows the setup types:

"Choose the Setup Type"
1. Central Office
2. East Office
3. West Office
4. North Office

For each of the above types, besides the items that are installed for all, I need items that MUST be installed ONLY for each office.

In addition, I need to have check boxes to select other optional features.

The custom features for the "Central Office" -for example - should be something like:

[x] Runtime (installed for all types, dimmed so user can't deselect it)
[x] Central Office Feature (also dimmed)
[ ] ASA ODBC driver
[ ] Crystal Reports Client
[ ] FlexGrid OCX

Then, for the "East Office" something like:

[x] Runtime (installed for all types, dimmed so user can't deselect it)
[x] East Office Feature (also dimmed)
[ ] ASA ODBC driver
[ ] Crystal Reports Client
[ ] FlexGrid OCX

Can something like this be done? I have tried everything I can think of with features and setup types, but can't seem to get this effect.... I can get something that MUST be installed for all (e.g. "Runtime") dimmed, but I can't get the office specific features dimmed.... In addition, I can't find a way to only display those custom features I want for each Setup Type, even though I select them.

Hope this is clearer now....


03-09-2006, 09:06 AM
Hi again,

I have an example script which shows more or less what I want to do. If you want I can send it to you.

Best regards,

03-09-2006, 09:28 AM

I see what you are looking for. The "Custom Install" dialog always lists all features. So you cannot use this here.

But it's very easy to handle. I would suggest to use "Check Boxes" dialogs to display the "custom" features. Then use If..Then..End to handle conditional file installation, shortcuts, etc.

See "Dialog Demo 2.sb5" on how to create "Check Boxes" dialogs. You can then create one dialog for each Setup Type to display the appropriate Check Box dialog.

Does this help?

03-09-2006, 04:04 PM
Hi Friedrich,

I have the user interface more or less working according to your suggestion.

The question is now how do I turn on/off features on the script?

For example, I have ASA ODBC setup as check box #1, in the script, how do I turn the "ASA" feature on?

If %CHECKBOXRESULT% Equals "1" on Position "1" Then
How do I turn on ASA feature?

I'm getting close now <g>. Thanks,