View Full Version : Check in use files wait dialog not closing when the folder being checked does not exi

03-25-2006, 05:30 AM
Hi Friedrich,

I have just compiled my installer using build 1445, and have started to get
a problem with this bit of script:

Set Variable %COUNT% to "0"
Display Wait Dialog - Checking for in-use files, please wait...
Set Variable %VALIDATE% to ScriptItem->Check In-use Folder Tree
Close Wait Dialog
<blah blah blah>

If %_SB_INSTALLDIR% exists and has files in it, the dialog work fine. If the
%_SB_INSTALLDIR% folder does not exist then the wait dialog doesn't close
until the very end of my installer. I haven't tried testing it on an empty
folder yet. It has always worked OK before build 1445. Is this a bug?

p.s. if I don't answer for a week it's because i'm on holiday :-)


Jeff Botwood
Product Development Manager
Data Design Services Ltd

Web: http://www.ddssoftware.co.uk

03-25-2006, 05:30 AM
Hi Jeff,

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this here :-( This is my test code (c:\5b
does not exist)

Set Variable %COUNT% to "0"
Display Wait Dialog - Checking for in-use files, please wait...
Set Variable %VALIDATE% to ScriptItem->Check In-use Folder Tree "c:\5b"
Close Wait Dialog
Break Loop
Display Message Box "" -- "we are here"

It closes the Wait Dialog before the Message Box is displayed.

Could you please send me a small test script?

Enjoy your holiday ;-)


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5