View Full Version : Code-Signing: Ownership of signature

11-12-2008, 03:56 AM
Hello again,

does anyone know who "owns" the digital signature?

When the code-signing signature is requested, the Trustee (?) like Comodo
or Verisign perform a background check if a person equals the one he/she
pretends to be.

One of the evidences (?) is the ownership of the website from where
request was sent via e-mail.

If everything is alright the signature is granted.

Now my questions: what happens if the ownership of that domain changes, or
what if the signature was granted to a specific person / company and
person turns into a company / the company changes its name?

The signature files are still on my machine, the period is not expired,
but are they still valid?

Given the change of the name or company ownership is no problem for the
recent granted signature, what will happen after the signature expires?
Can the same signature be continued with new names or does one have to buy
a new one? (which is not the biggest problem, once you have gone through
that before).

Does anyone have gotten experience about this?

Or do I see a problem where no problem is....?

Grüße / Regards
Wolfgang Orth


Erstellt mit Operas revolutionärem E-Mail-Modul: http://www.opera.com/mail/

11-12-2008, 03:57 AM
I don't know about the website thing, Wolfgang.
When I renewed my Comodo certificate, what they wanted as proof of identity
was as follows (pasted from their email):

Although we have begun processing your order, we have been unable to
complete validation for the following reasons:

1. Please provide us with TWO of the following documents so we may complete
your validation:

A. Articles of Incorporation (with address)
B. Government Issued Business License (with address)
C. Copy of a recent company bank statement (you may blacken out the Account
D. Copy of a recent company phone bill
E. Copy of a recent major utility bill of the company (i.e. power bill,
water bill, etc.) or current lease agreement for the company

Please fax any validation documentation to

Jane Fleming

11-12-2008, 03:58 AM
> or what if the signature was granted to a specific person / company and
> person turns into a company / the company changes its name?

Hi, Wolfgang.
The signature is valid for the purchased period, for the person/company that
issued the certificate. If you change the name, you have to purchase a new
certificate - the "old" sign is valid only for the old name.

Jorge Alejandro Lavera - Huenuleufu Development SRL
www.ClarionDevelopment.com - Custom development.
www.ClarionTemplates.com - Templates for Clarion.
www.IP-Tree.com - Analize and document your network.
www.InBack.com - Protect your data.

11-12-2008, 03:59 AM
Jane and Jorge, thanks for your input.

I will leave anything as it is now, as Comodo made a "mistake" because
they made the certificate to my personal name, not the company.

First I was sort of disappointed as I wanted the companies name in there -
but now....

I do not plan to change my name in the next 2.5 years, and then we'll see
on whom I renew that certificate.

Wolfgang Orth (now and in future)

Grüße / Regards
Wolfgang Orth


Erstellt mit Operas revolutionärem E-Mail-Modul: http://www.opera.com/mail/