View Full Version : SetupBuilder 7.0 (Beta-1) Build 2413 Available

11-12-2008, 11:13 AM
SetupBuilder 7.0 (Beta-1) Build 2413 is available!

Password protected download links:

Download Link.......: http://lindersoft.com/sb70/sb70_2413_UE.exe
Examples Link.......: http://lindersoft.com/sb70/sb7_Examples.exe

NOTE: Please download the new sb7_Examples.exe because it comes with a new
"Custom Dialog Demo 3.sb7" demo project.

Registration for those interested in participating in the SetupBuilder 7
Beta Program is open. You can register for the program at:

SB7 Beta-1 is already amazingly stable and reliable. Build 2413 contains
several bug fixes and features enhancement. New functions in the Visual
Dialog Editor give you again more power and flexibility (see attached

Thank you for all of the great suggestions, bug reports, and for using

SetupBuilder 7.0 (Beta-1) Build 2413 (November 12, 2008)

FEATURE : Add "Wizard: Browse for File..." script function.

FEATURE : Add "Wizard: Browse for Folder..." script function.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: In the Visual Dialog Editor, the selected Control Name ID
and control position information is displayed in the status

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: When moving controls in the Visual Dialog Editor, the
selected Control Name ID and control position information is
displayed in the status bar.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Sort File List in HTML Build Report in alphabetical
order" option to Tools | Options... | Compiler

IMPROVEMENT: The "Get Registry Key Value..." script function can handle
the registry REG_MULTI_SZ type now. The Data Value is returned
in a SetupBuilder "List" object.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: If the Dialogs Visualizer list is empty when adding a
dialog, SetupBuilder offers to add a "Wizard Loop" dialog

FIX : IDE: Long-standing IDE resizing issue when the Windows "Show
window contents while dragging" option is enabled.

FIX : IDE: Several cosmetic and functional fixes.

CHANGE : Installer: Internal thread-handling modifications.

SetupBuilder 7.0 (Beta-1) Build 2408 (November 7, 2008)

FEATURE : Add a "Visual Dialog Editor" (VDE) for quickly customizing the
user interface. You can use the VDE to create new dialogs from
scratch for your SetupBuilder application. You can visually
design dialogs and add items such as static text, text edit
fields, graphics, checkboxes, radio buttons, push buttons,
combo boxes, list boxes, and more.

FEATURE : Add "Custom Dialog Script Processing". The best thing is that
the powerful SetupScript scripting language provides built-in
interactivity to custom dialogs in SetupBuilder 7. Custom
dialogs can exhibit different behaviors based on end user
input. Each custom dialog lets you perform script actions in
response to certain events inside a dialog. You can manipulate
controls in the custom dialog programmatically.

FEATURE : Add "Require EULA Reading" option to the "License Agreement
Properties dialog. The scrolling EULA is a very useful feature
to satisfy corporate legal and product management requirements.
With SetupBuilder, you can require that end users scroll
through the complete End-User License Agreement (EULA) before
installation can proceed. SetupBuilder includes support for
disabling the Next button on the LicenseAgreement dialog until
the end user reaches the end of the EULA text in the scrollable
EULA control through mouse or keyboard scrolling. The end user
must also select the "I accept the terms in the license
agreement" option before the Next button is enabled; this
behavior is the same as with earlier releases of SetupBuilder.

FEATURE : Installer: Add a "conflict-free application execution" mode.
SetupBuilder installer applications run in their own private
temporary file container.

FEATURE : IDE: Add "#create folder..." compiler directive.

IMPROVEMENT: Installer: Better DPI "awareness" (when running on a non-120
DPI mode machines).

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Change the "Source Folder" in the "File Properties"
dialog when multiple-files are selected.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Compiler displays a dialog with progress bar when doing a
command line compile.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Option to sort the file list in the html compiler report
in alphabetical order.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Delete file on exit" option to the "Download File
(HTTP)..." script function.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: The command line compiler supports /LX pathname now to
override the "standard" folder location of compiler.txt and
the file is always created (even if the command line compiling

IMPROVEMENT: Add "List Item: Remove" option to the "Handle String
Function..." script function.

IMPROVEMENT: "Create Shortcut" supports the text description for a shortcut
now. It is displays a tooltip when your mouse hovers over the

IMPROVEMENT: Installer: Internal thread-management improvements.

FIX : IDE: "Create Unique Backup File..." item could not be deleted
from within the Script Editor.

FIX : [SB#810141] IDE: Very long-standing and complex "save project"
bug. Under specific circumstances (compiler reported an error
in a .sbi include script and user pressed save) the contents
of the include script got copied into the main .sb6 script

CHANGE : IDE: The default SetupBuilder project folder is located at:
My Documents\SetupBuilder Projects.

CHANGE : IDE: File extension for new SetupBuilder projects is .sb7.

CHANGE : IDE: The page title for the HTML Compiler Report displays the
project name.

CHANGE : Installer: Wizard Dialog Heading and Sub-Heading font changed
to the MSI standard font (Verdana).

CHANGE : Renamed "Handle String Function (Count List Items)" script
function into "Handle String Function (List Item: Count)".

CHANGE : Renamed "Handle String Function (Get List Item)" script
function into "Handle String Function (List Item: Get)".

CHANGE : Renamed "Get File Information..." script function into
"Get File Info...".

CHANGE : Renamed "Get System Information..." script function into
"Get System Info...".

CHANGE : Renamed "#get file information..." compiler directive into
"#get file info...".


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner