View Full Version : My ongoing problem(s) trying to use SetupBuilder 6.9.2380

11-26-2008, 02:23 AM

I have used Install Creator Pro for many years, mainly because I have never been able to effectively use SetupBuilder from the start. However something has recently changed on my dev XP SP3 PC and now Install Creator Pro install files do not run to completion. They run to about 49% completion and then the PC "freezes" and I have to cancel out of the installation to get my PC to work again. Can't figure out why. However, those same Install Creator Pro install files all work just fine on all my other "test" PC's. So I thought I would try using SetupBuilder again.

I have never ever had any success using SetupBuilder in the past (or presently) because something always did not work right in the user interface. Here is what is happening THIS time.

I want to install everything in one directory in the C:\ drive for use on an XP PC. The defaults that are apparently initially set automagically by SetupBuilder, seem to be to scatter the various "types" of files into folders in several places on the computer. I know, I know, it's apparently the "new" way to do things brought about by Microsoft. Therefore I have to change all those settings. I am particularly dis-satisfied because re-setting some of the granular functionality to accomplish what I want to accomplish does not work or is not even available in the "Detail" settings screen. I will attempt to explain what I am talking about.

1.) There is no place to set the "Common Group" to Yes or No.
2.) The "Icon Index" setting
a.) Apparently doesn't "do" anything (doesn't work) during the install.
aa.) The icons do not show for the installed program links in
either the Start menu or the Desktop.
ab.) The icons are available in the properties for the installed
links to select however and then the show properly on the
b.) If you click on the lookup icon next to the field the spinbox does
not work in the lookup form screen.
c.) When looking up an icon, the lookup select screen has no .ico
file type setting.
3.) There are:
a.) No lookup buttons (or checkboxes) for the other 3 "details"
on that screen.
b.) You have to remember what the syntax is and key them in "blind"?.

1.) What is the "Comment" detail used for???
e.g. What "kind" of comment???

Can/will this stuff be fixed???

Best Regards,
Earl R Coker
www.kwiksystems.net/ClarionTemplates.htm (BigTamer(tm) Templates)

11-26-2008, 02:26 AM

Just a few comments....

As far as where your stuff gets installed, have you tried changing the default installation directory on the Project | Settings tab ? (screen shot attached)

By "Common Group" - are you referring to creating shortcuts for everyone/just-for-me ?
If so, you might want to read through the thread ArnĂ³r started on August 5 called "Create shortcut under Vista" where there's some discussion of the somewhat confusing way that presently works.

Where there are "no lookup buttons"... try the magic trick of Ctrl+right-clicking in the field. Often there's a picklist.



11-26-2008, 02:30 AM
Hi Earl,

> I have used Install Creator Pro for many years, mainly because I
> have never been able to effectively use SetupBuilder from the
> start. However something has recently changed on my dev XP SP3
> PC and now Install Creator Pro install files do not run to
> completion. They run to about 49% completion and then the PC
> "freezes" and I have to cancel out of the installation to get
> my PC to work again. Can't figure out why. However, those same
> Install Creator Pro install files all work just fine on all my
> other "test" PC's. So I thought I would try using SetupBuilder
> again.
> I have never ever had any success using SetupBuilder in the past
> (or presently) because something always did not work right in
> the user interface. Here is what is happening THIS time.
> I want to install everything in one directory in the C:\ drive
> for use on an XP PC. The defaults that are apparently initially
> set automagically by SetupBuilder, seem to be to scatter the
> various "types" of files > into folders in several places on the
> computer.

SetupBuilder is NOT doing this by default! If your installer does it then YOU told SetupBuilder to do it ;-)

> I know, I know, it's apparently the "new" way to do things
> brought about by Microsoft. Therefore I have to change all
> those settings. I am particularly dis-satisfied because
> re-setting some of the granular functionality to accomplish what
> I want to accomplish does not work or is not even available in
> the "Detail" settings screen. I will attempt to explain what
> I am talking about.

I would suggest to send your project file to support@lindersoft.com and we can tell you what you are doing wrong. We can also fix it for you if you want.

> 1.) There is no place to set the "Common Group" to Yes or No.

Sure it is. "Enable Access For All Windows Users" (see attached earl1.jpg screenshot). "Common Group" is an All User location.

But this setting is obsolete because all installations should be "per-machine" today, not "per-user". Per-user installation is not possible under Vista/2008 (and even hard to achieve under XP).

With SetupBuilder, you can do everything. You can even bring the installer into "per-user" mode - see documentation for "Set Installer Flag...".

The following line would perform a real per-user installation:

Set Installer Flag $SB_ALLUSERSFLAG$ to "0"

NOTE: Not recommended!!!!

Because in the past (5-6 years ago) users had to install some shortcuts into the Common Group when doing a per-user installation, we introduced the "Enable Access For All Windows Users" option.

Again, you don't need this option any longer because all installations are per-machine now and all shortcuts go into the Common Group by default.

By the way, the "Enable Access For All Windows Users" checkbox is still available to provide backward compatibility.

> 2.) The "Icon Index" setting
> a.) Apparently doesn't "do" anything (doesn't work) during the
> install.

Of course, it does. But you are doing it on an .ico file, which does not make any sense. You have to do this on a file that includes icon resources (e.g. .exe, .dll, etc.) files.

From the documentation:

"Enter the number of the icon to use from the file selected in the Icon Pathname field above. The Icon Number relates to icons contained in DLL or executable files. Icons are assigned numbers based on an internal index by the software vendor. This index is based on positive integers from 0-9,999. If no number is entered in this field, the program's default icon will be used."

> aa.) The icons do not show for the installed program links in
> either the Start menu or the Desktop.

Of course, they do.

> ab.) The icons are available in the properties for the installed
> links to select however and then the show properly on the
> desktop.

Not sure what you mean.

> b.) If you click on the lookup icon next to the field the spinbox does
> not work in the lookup form screen.

The "Icon Viever" is there to help you find icons in .EXE and .DLL files. You have to select a file that includes icon resources and then you can see the icons (see attached earl2.jpg).

> c.) When looking up an icon, the lookup select screen has no .ico
> file type setting.

See above documentation. It says DLL and EXE, not ICO. So an .ico file type would not make any sense.

> 3.) There are:
> a.) No lookup buttons (or checkboxes) for the other 3 "details"
> on that screen.

Hmm, but why should there a lookup button (or checkbox) for Parameters, Working Directory and Hot Key?????

In 99.9999% of all installations you would use a variable in the "Working Directory" field. <Crtl>+<Right Mouse Button> opens a list of all available variables. And if you select a "Target" (using the lookup button), SetupBuilder will pre-set the Working Directory for you.

See attached screenshot (earl3.jpg)

So what should a lookup button (or checkbox) for Parameters and Hot Key do??

> b.) You have to remember what the syntax is and key them in "blind"?.

Sorry? I am completely lost. I don't know what you mean. What "syntax"?

> Questions:
> 1.) What is the "Comment" detail used for???
> e.g. What "kind" of comment???

Do you mean the "Comment" tab?

From the documentation:

"These comments are SetupBuilder install package developer comments that are for their use only. The comments are not utilized in the build of the installer package"

> Can/will this stuff be fixed???

There is nothing to fix because there is no bug in this SetupBuilder area.

Does this help?

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

11-27-2008, 03:11 AM
> b.) You have to remember what the syntax is and key them in "blind"?.

By the way, and there is always the "F1 Help" key that opens the CHM
documentation with a full function description, including return values,
tips and tricks, etc.

Documentation is available as CHM and PDF (459 pages)

Hope this helps.

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

12-08-2008, 02:44 AM
After doing an online update of my SetupBuilder 6.9 and some support from Friedrich, my problems have been solved. Friedrich was very attentive to my problem(s).
Best Regards,
Earl R Coker
www.kwiksystems.net/ClarionTemplates.htm (BigTamer(tm) Templates)