View Full Version : Clarion 7 Template Registration

12-21-2008, 12:59 PM
Just wanted to let Clarion third-party developers know that we have added
experimental support for the "Clarion 7 template registration" to
SetupBuilder 6 and SetupBuilder 7 (beta).

We'll do our best to make a new SB6 maintenance build available by the
beginning of next week.

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

12-21-2008, 01:00 PM
Hello Friedrich,

Merci :)

And while you are at it ....

Could you please find a solution to solve the stupid new methods imposed by
SV in the sense that we need to be able to either or installs under r3dparty
or under accessory etc (plus the win dir)

if we could vae a function to handle all this mess ... that would be a
"perfection" answer to a "stupid" way of not-thinking ....



Thank you - Merci

Cordialement - Best Regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ

DMC - Data Management Center - A tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer all your Data very easily
Certified by Microsoft : "Works with Vista" & "Works with Windows Server

12-21-2008, 01:01 PM

They are not stupid. SV honored the request of the 3rd party vendor
community to establish this standard. And this standard took a while to get
sorted out and once it was agreed upon, SV merely honored their request. SV
provided the accessory folder for 3rd parties to put their installs there.
Thus you have all the stuff SV places in their folders and another for 3rd

This is not stupid.

> Could you please find a solution to solve the stupid new methods imposed
> by SV in the sense that we need to be able to either or installs under
> r3dparty or under accessory etc (plus the win dir)

Russell B. Eggen
Skype Clarion chat: http://tinyurl.com/2273lm

12-21-2008, 01:01 PM

My apologies then to SV and the "stupid" goes to 3rdParty who came out with
this brilliant idea.....
What on earth does it change to have 3rdParty or accessory ?

feel more like 21st century ?

Come on..... whom ever thought that one up.....now we need either to have SB
have a special function to change dynamically templates or for us to do two
installers or to reinvent what existed so easily .....

Stupid ? because the 3rdParties who came out with this NOW HAVE to find a
way to install their own templates in two different dir trees ..... or are
they sure to have ALL their clients moving the same day to c7 ?

Sorry for the words but I really do not see what it changes if they had kept
3rdParty ......

And btw as you seem to be "in" ... why do we have on top of that accessory
"xxxx" dir the "win" one ?
For SV to install same ide .Net ?

This also is stupid then ... - sorry - .... because again a NEW product can
be installed anywhere as it is NEW but a c6 c7 installer is getting weird to
build except if you work with users to whom you request them to select
always their dirs etc ....

Another two cents of french fries <bg>


Thank you - Merci

Cordialement - Best Regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ

DMC - Data Management Center - A tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer all your Data very easily
Certified by Microsoft : "Works with Vista" & "Works with Windows Server

12-21-2008, 01:03 PM

You need to differentiate what is stupid and what is your preference. You
are talking your preference, which is frankly stupid as you are not
following up on your line of thought.

Every 3rd party vendor makes their own installs, two of them invented their
own unique install procedures (there may be more). The rest, best as I can
tell use Setup Builder. So if these folks not only have no issues with this
standard using their install engines, but they were active doing what you
erroneously call "stupid" then you are just not thinking logically.

Why would any vendor make life more difficult for themselves by establishing
a standard that creates more work for themselves? And FWIW, its not an
issue to make installs that are aware of both C6 and C7 installs in Setup
Builder. It took me about 5 minutes to figure out the first time (and I was
not in any big hurry either).

You are creating a problem where one does not exist.

Russell B. Eggen
Skype Clarion chat: http://tinyurl.com/2273lm

12-21-2008, 01:05 PM

5minutes ?

Could you please show me how to install either in 3rdPaty/template or in
accessory/template/win depending on the version the suer selects ?



Thank you - Merci

Cordialement - Best Regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ

DMC - Data Management Center - A tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer all your Data very easily
Certified by Microsoft : "Works with Vista" & "Works with Windows Server

12-21-2008, 01:05 PM

It would be very nice if you could let us have a demo script of this special
dual path installer as I did just now for Paul (or any other) who was stuck
with a simple c6 template registration.....

I'd realy appreciate your sharing your script as except if all goes in
variables etc I do not see how to do this _stupid_ modification in paths
requested by some and accepted by SV
(and am sure MANY others will also love you for sharing this)


Thank you - Merci

Cordialement - Best Regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ

DMC - Data Management Center - A tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer all your Data very easily
Certified by Microsoft : "Works with Vista" & "Works with Windows Server

12-21-2008, 01:06 PM
Hi Friedrich,

> Just wanted to let Clarion third-party developers know that we have added
> experimental support for the "Clarion 7 template registration" to
> SetupBuilder 6 and SetupBuilder 7 (beta).

That's great:) I have had absolutely no luck at all getting that info from

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson - Icetips Creative, Inc.
Port Angeles, Washington
www.icetips.com - www.buildautomator.com

Icetips product subscriptions at http://www.icetips.com/subscribe.php

12-21-2008, 01:06 PM
Hi Arnór,

The SetupBuilder uninstaller application also supports automatic template
unregister capability now (for Clarion 7 only).

And there is a new "Unregister Clarion Template" script function to
un-/register C7 templates programmatically.

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

12-21-2008, 01:07 PM
Wohw !
Great Friedrich as usual ..... no small function for what I dared say aloud
concerning paths please ?

Will we all have to invent our "wheel" just to ...... install templates or
will we all have to buy two licences of sb to do two seperate scripts ? (Oh
NO sorry it is not you doing that .... <vbg>)

No seriously .... IF you could do that for us all THEN ... chose the words
yourself .... END :)


Thank you - Merci

Cordialement - Best Regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ

DMC - Data Management Center - A tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer all your Data very easily
Certified by Microsoft : "Works with Vista" & "Works with Windows Server

12-21-2008, 01:07 PM
Hi Jean-Pierre,

> Wohw !
> Great Friedrich as usual ..... no small function for what I dared say
> aloud concerning paths please ?
> Will we all have to invent our "wheel" just to ...... install templates or
> will we all have to buy two licences of sb to do two seperate scripts ?
> (Oh NO sorry it is not you doing that .... <vbg>)
> No seriously .... IF you could do that for us all THEN ... chose the words
> yourself .... END :)

I don't expect any problems with the different path "standards" for Clarion
7 and Clarion 6.x (or Clarion 5.x, etc.) when doing third-party
installations for different Clarion versions from the same SetupBuilder
project. You can even install a 3rd party product for Clarion 2, Clarion 4,
Clarion 5, Clarion 5.5, Clarion 6.x and Clarion 7 from the same

I'll try to develop an example project after I have released the new SB6
maintenance build.


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

12-21-2008, 01:08 PM
Hello Friedrich,

Fair enough :)

But apart from a variable used to replace 3rdParty with accessory and
another one for libsrc or libsrc/win and another one for template or
template/win how do we do it ?

detecting root folder works perfectly today

detecting red file does not exist today (and c7 is worse because users can
change the name - I did it for c6 version) - I posted a script to do all
necessary actions on user selected red file

...... all this for what reason - I'm really curious to have some valid
reasons by the people who invented this _stupid_ new "way of life"

That is why I asked if ever maybe eventually <bg> you could come out with a
function - the question being number of clarion dev users and time passed
for this .....

17° and sunny here ? still xxx cold up there ? :)


Thank you - Merci

Cordialement - Best Regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ

DMC - Data Management Center - A tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer all your Data very easily
Certified by Microsoft : "Works with Vista" & "Works with Windows Server

12-21-2008, 01:09 PM
Hi Jean-Pierre,

> Fair enough :)
> But apart from a variable used to replace 3rdParty with accessory and
> another one for libsrc or libsrc/win and another one for template or
> template/win how do we do it ?
> detecting root folder works perfectly today

To handle the new rules, we can simply use a SetupBuilder "folder variable"
instead of a (fix) hard-coded "3rdParty" or "Accessory" folder names. The
same method can be used for "Template" and "Template/Win".

This allows us to handle different 3rd-party installation standards for
different Clarion versions from the very same installation.

> 17° and sunny here ? still xxx cold up there ? :)

11° and a rainy day <g>


12-21-2008, 01:10 PM
serves you right Mister I planed all <vbg>

Merci :)
did not know they existed


Thank you - Merci

Cordialement - Best Regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ

DMC - Data Management Center - A tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer all your Data very easily
Certified by Microsoft : "Works with Vista" & "Works with Windows Server

12-21-2008, 01:11 PM
Hi Friedrich,

> The SetupBuilder uninstaller application also supports automatic template
> unregister capability now (for Clarion 7 only).
> And there is a new "Unregister Clarion Template" script function to
> un-/register C7 templates programmatically.

I saw this (finally) in the info on the latest C7 build. I'm hoping that SV
will add some more automation in there as I'm getting requests to do other
things from the BA with the Clarion IDE. Possible in C6 and older, but so
far not in C7.

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson - Icetips Creative, Inc.
Port Angeles, Washington
www.icetips.com - www.buildautomator.com

Icetips product subscriptions at http://www.icetips.com/subscribe.php

12-21-2008, 01:20 PM
I have created a first SetupBuilder project that demonstrates the
installation and registration of templates into C5/C6 and C7 environments
from a single setup.exe.

I'll make it available when I have released the new SB6 maintenance build.


12-21-2008, 01:21 PM
Mille Grazzie .... :)


Thank you - Merci

Cordialement - Best Regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ

DMC - Data Management Center - A tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer all your Data very easily
Certified by Microsoft : "Works with Vista" & "Works with Windows Server

12-27-2008, 03:50 AM

I'm trying to get the C7 template reg working. When installing the tpl
files, I've checked the 'Register as Template in the Clarion Registry' - as
per our C6 install.

Then later in the install, I have the Register All Pending Clarion Templates
call to the %CLARIONDIRECTORY%\bin\ClarionCL.exe

It's not registering the templates (using C7 4581 and SB6.9.2415)

Am I doing this correctly - or should I be doing something else?

I've tried using %CLARIONDIRECTORY%\bin\Clarion.exe as well, but to no
avail. The %CLARIONDIRECTORY% does contain the correct path (I put a stop
immediately before the tpl registry call to check).


Geoff (Capesoft)


12-27-2008, 03:51 AM
Hi Geoff,

> I'm trying to get the C7 template reg working. When installing the tpl
> files, I've checked the 'Register as Template in the Clarion Registry'
> - as per our C6 install.
> Then later in the install, I have the Register All Pending Clarion
> Templates call to the %CLARIONDIRECTORY%\bin\ClarionCL.exe
> It's not registering the templates (using C7 4581 and SB6.9.2415)
> Am I doing this correctly - or should I be doing something else?
> I've tried using %CLARIONDIRECTORY%\bin\Clarion.exe as well, but to
> no avail. The %CLARIONDIRECTORY% does contain the correct path (I put
> a stop immediately before the tpl registry call to check).

We have already uploaded the new SetupBuilder 6.9 Build 2454 and I will
post the link to the installer and the C7 registration demo within the
next two hours...


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

12-27-2008, 03:51 AM
By the way, SB6.9.2415 does NOT support C7 template registration. You need
the new 6.9.2454!


12-27-2008, 03:52 AM
Hi Friedrich,

> By the way, SB6.9.2415 does NOT support C7 template registration. You need
> the new 6.9.2454!

And Clarion 7 build 4581 on the target machine.

What happens if the user doesn't have that build (or later - i.e. doesn't
have clarioncl.exe?)

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson - Icetips Creative, Inc.
Port Angeles, Washington
www.icetips.com - www.buildautomator.com

Icetips product subscriptions at http://www.icetips.com/subscribe.php

12-27-2008, 03:52 AM
Hi Arnór,

>> By the way, SB6.9.2415 does NOT support C7 template registration. You
>> need
>> the new 6.9.2454!
> And Clarion 7 build 4581 on the target machine.
> What happens if the user doesn't have that build (or later - i.e. doesn't
> have clarioncl.exe?)

The user needs at least Clarion 7 beta build 4581 and SetupBuilder 6.9 build
2454. The next SetupBuilder 7.0 beta build will also support C7 template


12-27-2008, 03:52 AM
Hi Friedrich,

> The user needs at least Clarion 7 beta build 4581 and SetupBuilder 6.9 build
> 2454.

I know, I'm just curious what happens if someone with the previous C7 build
runs an install build with SB 6.9 2454. Will the install pop a message
about the template not being registered or will it silently fail? I already
have a message in my clarion script that I include in all my installs that
pops a message reminding the user to register the template. Even so I've
sometimes forgot myself in the flurry of testing I've been doing lately<g>

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson - Icetips Creative, Inc.
Port Angeles, Washington
www.icetips.com - www.buildautomator.com

Icetips product subscriptions at http://www.icetips.com/subscribe.php

12-27-2008, 03:54 AM
Hi Arnór,

>> The user needs at least Clarion 7 beta build 4581 and SetupBuilder 6.9
>> build 2454.
> I know, I'm just curious what happens if someone with the previous C7
> build runs an install build with SB 6.9 2454. Will the install pop a
> message about the template not being registered or will it silently
> fail? I already have a message in my clarion script that I include
> in all my installs that pops a message reminding the user to register
> the template. Even so I've sometimes forgot myself in the flurry of
> testing I've been doing lately<g>

It will fail silently, but %_SB_ERRORCODE% returns "1" (after the "Register
all pending Clarion Templates" script function). %_SB_ERRORCODE% returns
"0" if everything went well.

What you can also do (from within your SB6 script) is to check the version
of Clarion 7 and tell your users "Please update to Clarion 7.0 Build yada".

See attached source code screenshot and demo project .sb6. It will detect
whether C7 is available and displays the Version and Build number. You can
then use the Build number to decide what to do. For example, if "Less Than"
4581 then display a warning.


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

12-27-2008, 04:02 AM
Hi Friedrich,

> See attached source code screenshot and demo project .sb6. It will detect
> whether C7 is available and displays the Version and Build number. You can
> then use the Build number to decide what to do. For example, if "Less Than"
> 4581 then display a warning.

The reason I ask is that in earlier builds if you opened an app with a
template that wasn't registered then cancelled, it would still strip the
template from the app. So unless you had the template registered before you
risked stripping it from the app. This was fixed in the last build or the
one before.

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson - Icetips Creative, Inc.
Port Angeles, Washington
www.icetips.com - www.buildautomator.com

Icetips product subscriptions at http://www.icetips.com/subscribe.php

12-27-2008, 04:03 AM
> What happens if the user doesn't have that build (or later - i.e. doesn't
> have clarioncl.exe?)
We're only really worrying about the CSP guys that aren't on the EA system.
They'll only have 4581 and up - and the EA guys should be used to
registering their own by now.

Geoff (Capesoft)


12-27-2008, 04:04 AM

> We have already uploaded the new SetupBuilder 6.9 Build 2454 and I will
> post the link to the installer and the C7 registration demo within the
> next two hours...
Cool - thanks. I'll check it out.

Geoff (Capesoft)


12-28-2008, 08:08 AM
Here is one way ...
Dave Beggs

Intellisense for Clarion ABC Apps!