View Full Version : Webupdate from ftp folder

12-23-2008, 03:11 AM
I thought I'd create special ftp folders for my webupdates, then I'd just
enter in my special usernames and passwords.. thought perhaps it would be
more secure... Setupbuilder uploads to them no problem, however the download
didn't work so well... so I switched back to just using my main username and
password for my whole web site and putting in the foldernames.

I set the main setup and the web setup to both have the same ftp username
and ftp password (no folder as with the username only one folder should be

So, I'm assuming it doesn't like downloading from an ftp folder? Or do I
just have something setup wrong?

And the other question is why does setupbuilder need the username and
password for the download at all because without it being a special ftp
folder there is complete access anyway. Or am I right in making password
protected ftp folders?

Thank you.

Ray Rippey
VMT Software - http://www.vmtsoft.com

12-23-2008, 03:12 AM

> I thought I'd create special ftp folders for my webupdates, then I'd just
> enter in my special usernames and passwords.. thought perhaps it would be
> more secure... Setupbuilder uploads to them no problem, however the
> download didn't work so well... so I switched back to just using my main
> username and password for my whole web site and putting in the
> foldernames.
> I set the main setup and the web setup to both have the same ftp username
> and ftp password (no folder as with the username only one folder should be
> available)
> So, I'm assuming it doesn't like downloading from an ftp folder? Or do I
> just have something setup wrong?

Not sure what you mean by "FTP folder". You upload via FTP to your HTTP
server and web install downloads the files from your HTTP server (via HTTP

The SetupBuilder iDeploy technology works using any type of HTTP server to
store the installation data. Therefore your server can run on Windows, or
it can run on Linux, Unix, Mac OS, or other operating systems. The
requirement is that it supports HTTP/1.0, or HTTP/1.1. iDeploy works
correctly with a wide variety of firewalls and proxy servers.

There is a huge difference between a FTP and a HTTP server! Completely
different animals.

> And the other question is why does setupbuilder need the username and
> password for the download at all because without it being a special ftp
> folder there is complete access anyway. Or am I right in making password
> protected ftp folders?

SetupBuilder does not need the user name/password at all. If you have
protected your "web folder" (e.g. vua .htaccess) then YOUR web folder
requires a login ;-)

Hope this helps.

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner