View Full Version : COM Interop

07-11-2006, 10:55 AM

Our application is a COM addin for Microsoft Office, and therefore requires COM registration. SetupBuilder says that my DLL does not support DLLRegisterServer and therefore doesn't seem to be registering the DLL. I have had to include RegAsm /codebase with the deployment and use it to register the DLL instead. Is there a better way than this? Am I misunderstanding how SetupBuilder registers DLLs? I am still evaluating SetupBuilder and this is a core issue for us. Thanks for your assistance.

07-12-2006, 01:37 AM
Hello Brandon,

The "Register as OCX/DLL/EXE/TLB" option can only be used with OCXs/DLLs,
etc. that support "self-registration".

"COM interop registration" reads the metadata within an assembly and adds
the necessary entries to the registry. We already have a function available
in our latest internal source codes (version 5.5) to handle this. The
function is in its final testing phase.

10-26-2010, 12:14 PM
I found this old post in a search. I have the exactly the same problem: An Office 2007 add-in references a .NET DLL that is compiled with COM interop. I am using SetupBuilder to install the add-in and the DLL.

The setup script contains the following line:

COM Interop Register .NET Assembly immediately "%_AW_ADDIN_DIR%\AWDotNetUtils.dll"

The registration does not work. I have to register the DLL manually, using regasm /codebase. What am I doing wrong?


10-26-2010, 11:40 PM

Would it be possible for you to send this AWDotNetUtils.dll to support [at] lindersoft [dot] com so we can test it here?

BTW, the original problem in this thread is not related because he (wrongly) tried to use "Register as OCX/DLL/EXE/TLB" to register the .NET assembly.


10-27-2010, 04:26 AM

Files received, thank you. We'll check it.
