View Full Version : Managing the Uninstall File

01-05-2009, 03:17 AM

I currently use the Clarion Mag method of installing the templates
into C6/older and C7 directories.

I end up with three install destinations that way in my folder tree.

How do I move the uninstall file placement accordingly, and be able to use
names on the unistall icons to include them in my shortcut folder?
It currently just dumps it in the selected root directory.

I guess I also don't want it to replace the uninstall to the other versions
as well so it only removes the last one.


Uninstall BoTpl C4
Uninstall BoTpl C5
Uninstall BoTpl C55
Uninstall BoTpl C6.3
Uninstall BoTpl C7
BoTpl Help ..... etc

Any tips and or help would really be appreciated.
Or point me at the answer/example if already covered somewhere?

Best Regards
Bo Schmitz

01-05-2009, 03:18 AM

I re-read your message several times, but I'm not sure I understand it

As I understand it, you have one setup.exe that can install different
versions of your product (e.g. C4, C5, C5.5, etc.).

If the user selects, say, "Clarion 5" then you would like to create an
"Uninstall Clarion 5.5" shortcut in your "BoTpl" shortcut folder. Is this


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

01-05-2009, 03:19 AM

I think right now, SB puts the uninstall file into the %_SB_INSTALLDIR%
I want to keep them separated by version, placed by the version, and name
and ?) their shortcuts by version.

Sometimes they may have my templates installed in four different Clarion
with the same Setup exe.

If the install is for C7, I want to place the uninstall file in

and for the other versions

Then create the shortcut name to match the version installed,
so that we can install to all the versions, keep the shortcuts labeled
correctly, and keep the installed files happy for 3rd Party conformance.

hope this makes sense.


01-05-2009, 03:20 AM

I don't know if you already had a chance to check the latest "Clarion
Accessory Deployment Demo.sb6" project. This sample demonstrates how to
make the location of the uninstall .exe and .log "variable".

In the General Information Visualizer, "Uninstall Name [UNINSTALL]" is set
to a variable named %UNINSTALL_EXE% and "Uninstall Log [UNINSTALL_LOG]" is
set to %UNINSTALL_LOG%. In the script, the variable values are set based on
the selected Clarion version.

Of course, you can also use variables in the Shortcut name to match the

Okay, but wait, there is more! You are installing different versions (for
different Clarion editions) of the same product from the same setup.exe.
For example, one for C5, another one for C55, etc. In other words, your
customer can run the same setup.exe multiple times to install for different
Clarion versions. And I assume, you are registering your uninstall with the
Add/Remove Program panel. But by default, you always have the same
ProductGUID -- in other words, the uninstall entry does only appear for one
install! From the technical point of view, you need different ProductGUIDs
for your different Clarion edition installations.

How to do this? In the General Information Visualizer, set "Product GUID
[PRODUCTGUID]" to %MY_PORDUCTGUID%. In your script, set this variable to a
unique GUID for each of your supported Clarion editions. For example, for
C5 set it to {55CFD8B0-DA93-11DD-4823-04F490BF0029}, for C55 set it to
{898C8440-DA94-11DD-4823-04FC71880029}, and so on. You can use Tools |
Create GUID... to create a unique GUID.

Okay, but you know the same product name appears several times in the
Add/Remove Panel for different installations. No problem, you are using
SetupBuilder <g>. In General Information Visualizer, append to your product
name in "Product Name [PRODUCTNAME]" a %MY_EDITION% variable. For example,
BoTpl %MY_EDITION%. In the script, you set %MY_EDITION% to the name of the
selected edition. For example, "for C4".

Now you have different uninstall entries with the correct name in the
Add/Remove Panel. Is that cool or is that cool <g>?

Does this help?

If there is any interest, I'll post an example project tomorrow.


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

01-05-2009, 03:21 AM
Hi Bo,

> If the install is for C7, I want to place the uninstall file in
> %_SB_INSTALLDIR%\Accessory\uninstall\
> and for the other versions
> %_SB_INSTALLDIR%\3rdParty\uninstall\
> Then create the shortcut name to match the version installed,
> so that we can install to all the versions, keep the shortcuts labeled
> correctly, and keep the installed files happy for 3rd Party conformance.

I install into the clarion %root% so I would never have this problem since
the uninstalls are always going to separate in their correct Clarion roots.
But you can get the clarion version based on the clarion version picked and
then construct a variable for the uninstall name. I do that already since I
use variables for all the folders, so my uninstalls go into:


The %CLA_UNINSTALL% is constructed in the install wizard loop after the
clarion version has been selected using Friedrich older example install for

I would strongly suggest that you take a look at that script as it makes
installing for Clarion 7 and older IDE very simple.

Best regards,

ArnĂ³r Baldvinsson - Icetips Creative, Inc.
Port Angeles, Washington
www.icetips.com - www.buildautomator.com

Icetips product subscriptions at http://www.icetips.com/subscribe.php

01-06-2009, 02:38 AM

I think we are on the same page now. ;-)

I agree that SB is more than up for the job, I just need to wrap my head
around it.

I looked at your example, but I have most of my installs setup using
Dave Beggs approach in Clarion Magazine, using
Clarion6 and Clarion7 directorys as in my attached photo previously.
I would really prefer not to go thru all my installs and change them again.

I have a basic installer sb6 file that I use, and make all the changes in
that to start with
for each installer I create.

Your install is simpler, but time is the real killer now.

This is getting to be a real Pain.

I did not see where you assigned the uninstall name and path in your
It appears to follow the target directory. I will revisit that example. I
must have
missed it in the Setup windows or something. Didn't see it in the scripts.

I would really appreciate an example of how to do this. I either need to
the changes in my existing installers, or start over with your example.

I could also send you my script for BoTpl which installs to all your Clarion
except Clarion 2.

Best regards,

01-06-2009, 02:39 AM
Hi Bo,

I'll post an example later today. The "separate uninstall" method can also
be used with installs using Dave Beggs excellent approach in Clarion

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

01-06-2009, 02:41 AM

> I would really appreciate an example of how to do this. I either need
> to incorporate the changes in my existing installers, or start over with
> your example.

I have attached a simple demo "One Setup Different Product GUIDs.sb6". The
compiled install will create an uninstall in the appropriate Clarion
uninstall location and an Uninstall Shortcut (\Programs\CoolApp Demo for
Clarion X).

From the technical point of view, if you provide different versions of your
product for different Clarion editions then you need different Product GUIDs
if you register your uninstall with the Add/Remove Programs panel. If you
don't have your uninstall in the Add/Remove Panel then you don't have to do

1. Uninstall location for C7 and C6 or older

See attached screenshot1.gif. In the "Project Properties", set the
"Uninstall Name [UNINSTALL]" property value to a variable named, say,
%UNINSTALL_EXE%. Set the "Uninstall Log [UNINSTALL_LOG]" property value to
a variable named, say, %UNINSTALL_LOG%

2. Shortcut naming for different editions

See screenshot2.gif.

Append to your Shortcut folder (or to the Shortcut itself) the %MY_EDITION%

3. Script logic to power the above Step 1. and 2.

See screenshot3.gif.

Line 68
The variable %SB_EDITION% is automatically set to the selected Clarion, e.g.
"Clarion 7"

Line 70 - 85
The default installation folder %_SB_INSTALLDIR% and the location for the
uninstall is set to the root of the selected Clarion edition.

Line 88 - 99
Based on the selected Clarion edition, the script defines unique Product
GUIDs (not required if you do not support the Windows Add/Remove Programs

Please note that the "ElseIf" Statements in Line 87 and 95 say "Contains"
(to support 5.x and 6.x) and not Equals (would only support a specific
version, e.g. 6.1)!

Your customers can now run the same setup.exe to install your product for
different Clarion editions.

Does this help?


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

01-06-2009, 02:42 AM

I did look at his script, but already was building installs using the
ClarionMag Dave Beggs
approach. Have tweaked it several times.

I like Friederich's approach also, but it came a little later in the game,
and this is getting to be
a pain rebuilding the template installers a gazillion times. Have to start
from scratch each time.

It sets the directory rather than creating new variables. I have 3
destination directories that way.

Don't really care to go thru them all again, but maybe have to.


01-12-2009, 02:21 AM

I have modified the script and install folders as the attached images show.
I take it that I need to change the 6 productguid's for each template
product to install?
I want to start with the same sb6 project for each template product
installer I build.

If so, how do I get away from that, --- how do I not support the Windows
Is that the checkbox in Project/Settings Product tab "Support Uninstall" ?

>Based on the selected Clarion edition, the script defines unique Product
>GUIDs (not required if you do not support the Windows Add/Remove Programs

Best regards,

01-12-2009, 02:21 AM
Hi Bo,

> If so, how do I get away from that, --- how do I not support the Windows
> Add/Remove.
> Is that the checkbox in Project/Settings Product tab "Support Uninstall"
> ?

In "General Information" -> "Add/Remove Programs" set the "Use Add/Remove
Programs" option to "No" and you are done.

Leave the "Support Uninstall" option (one line above, in "Product
Properties") set to "Yes"!

Does this help?


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner