View Full Version : Web update client can't find app

01-09-2009, 02:43 AM
Hi Friedrich,

I have a weird issue<g>

I have a program that calls myprogramupdate.exe (renamed wupdate.exe). The
registry looks good, I'm running the program in the correct (install) folder
and everything looks good, but when I run myprogramsupdate.exe from my
program I get:

"The web update client could not locate an associated application to update.
Please make sure that the software is installed properly"

If I run the myprogramupdate.exe directly there is no error and it attempts
to download the update. The path that both exes are in is the same as in
the registry for AppPaths and the GUID matches too.

Any idea why it's not working. I have only seen this before when I was
trying to run the web update in the wrong folder, but it's all in the
correct places now.

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson - Icetips Creative, Inc.
Port Angeles, Washington
www.icetips.com - www.buildautomator.com

Icetips product subscriptions at http://www.icetips.com/subscribe.php

01-10-2009, 03:41 AM
Hi Arnór,

I think the problem is as follows:

In the "Software\Lindersoft\WebUpdate\Apps\%APPKEY%" registry key you have
the item "wupdate.exe". This is created when the installer makes your
application "web update ready".

Your "custom" wupdate.exe is named "myprogramsupdate.exe". When
"myprogramsupdate.exe" executes, it retrieves it's own application name
(Line 37 in the original wupdate.sb6) and checks the above registry key
(Line 41 + 42). Because "myprogramsupdate.exe" is not found (you only have
wupdate.exe in the yregistry), the application reports in Line 79:

"The Web Update client could not locate an associated application to update.
Please make sure that this software is installed properly."

Does this help?


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

01-10-2009, 03:42 AM

In edit Ini file I have this code
Include Web Update Client "K:\Mes Documents\SetupBuilder 6

and alles is gut ... :)

it enters the proper value in the reg and I use from dmc dmcupdate.exe
instead of wupdate.exe


Thank you - Merci

Cordialement - Best Regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ

DMC - Data Management Center - A tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer all your Data very easily
Certified by Microsoft : "Works with Vista" & "Works with Windows Server

01-10-2009, 03:42 AM
Hi Friedrich,

> "The Web Update client could not locate an associated application to update.
> Please make sure that this software is installed properly."
> Does this help?

Well, yes and no.

As it turned out the problem was different<g> I had something like this:

C:\Program Files\My Software\mysoftwareupdater.exe

This is what was in the registry key so everything should have been fine.

So when I ran the updater I used this for the program:

'C:\Program Files\My Software\mysoftwareupdater.exe'

Well... it didn't like that, but:

'"C:\Program Files\My Software\mysoftwareupdater.exe"'

works perfectly:)

I'm using my shellclass and shellexecuteex to run this stuff and apparently
it has issues with non quoted paths<g> Works perfectly now:)

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson - Icetips Creative, Inc.
Port Angeles, Washington
www.icetips.com - www.buildautomator.com

Icetips product subscriptions at http://www.icetips.com/subscribe.php