View Full Version : Self-updates

01-17-2009, 03:24 AM

Been reading over the write up for how to make a program that checks for
updates. Just a quick question about this: If I make "CoolApp" version 3,
is that a new web update project or do I change the version number of the
update project and upload?

Russell B. Eggen
Skype Clarion chat: http://tinyurl.com/2273lm

01-17-2009, 03:25 AM
Hi Russ,

> Been reading over the write up for how to make a program that checks
> for updates. Just a quick question about this: If I make "CoolApp"
> version 3, is that a new web update project or do I change the
> version number of the update project and upload?

It depends on the project. If it is something like an update from "Clarion
6" to "Clarion 7" then I would suggest to create a new "Product GUID" and a
new web update project.

If CoolApp V3 is based on V2 with lots of (file structure and registry,
etc.) similarities then it's no problem to use your old project and just
increase the version number.

Does this help?


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

01-17-2009, 03:25 AM
Its actually going to be a C7 project. Aiming for deployment this Monday

Oh what the hey. Might as well use SB 7 too! ;-)

Thanks for the advice.

Russell B. Eggen
Skype Clarion chat: http://tinyurl.com/2273lm

01-17-2009, 03:27 AM
> Friedrich,
> Been reading over the write up for how to make a program that checks for
> updates. Just a quick question about this: If I make "CoolApp" version 3,
> is that a new web update project or do I change the version number of the
> update project and upload?

Friedrich can give you the more qualified answer - but here is the short
story -

Study this help topic - Using Web Update in Your Installation

Step 1: Initial Deployment

Be sure you have this next option already in your initial deployment

In the left pane, set the Enable iDeploy Web Update checkbox.
Project Definition - Web Deployment - Enable Web Update and Install Web
Update Client

Note: You don't need a username/password unless the folder is password
protected - IF SO

Under Install Web Update Client - an Encrypt Username/password is available

After compiling - All your files are now located in the \Web subfolder.
Upload your installation file (e.g. myapp_101.exe)(there may be additional
files as well, myapp_101.00001) and the Server Manifest File (e.g.
myapp.ini) to your web server.

Step 2: Web Update Deployment (the automated way)

This will guide you through a wizard to create your web update install,
including a higher version number so a new manifest file is created to
alert wupdate.exe that a newer version is available.

Think of a web update install as a much "ligher" type of install - it
resides ON the web - it doesn't need stand alone features - it's a bare
bones install - Modify the update project (add changed files, registry
entries, etc.).

Product Description - SetupCast, MFG - LANSRAD
Internet Link - http://www.setupcast.com/

THIS program, over time, WILL definitely save you time and make the process
MUCH easier - yes, you still have to create both initial deployment and
update programs in SetupBuilder

- BUT, it reads the SB report file and makes automating BOTH uploads - and
just as importantly - re-uploads - when you find a mistake in one of the


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7 - Encourager Software
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online
Profile Exchanges - www.encouragersoftware.com/profile/

01-17-2009, 03:28 AM
Make a mistake in first step - corrected below.

>> Friedrich,
>> Been reading over the write up for how to make a program that checks for
>> updates. Just a quick question about this: If I make "CoolApp" version 3,
>> is that a new web update project or do I change the version number of the
>> update project and upload?
> Friedrich can give you the more qualified answer - but here is the short
> story -

HERE is corrected - short story version! (Sorry!)

Help topic - Using Web Update in Your Installation

Step 1: Initial Deployment

Be sure you have this next option already in your initial deployment

In the left pane, set the Enable iDeploy Web Update checkbox.
Project Definition - Web Deployment - Enable Web Update and Install Web
Update Client

Note: You don't need a username/password unless the folder is password
protected - IF SO

Under Install Web Update Client - an Encrypt Username/password is available

Compile your project. The resulting installation executable will install
the web client along with your software on the target machine.

Distribute your installation file (e.g. myapp.exe) and upload the Server
Manifest File (e.g. myapp.ini) to your web server.

Step 2: Web Update Deployment (the automated way)

This will guide you through a wizard to create your web update install,
including a higher version number so a new manifest file is created to
alert wupdate.exe that a newer version is available.

After compiling - All your files are now located in the \Web subfolder.
Upload your installation file (e.g. myapp_101.exe)(there may be additional
files as well, myapp_101.00001) and the Server Manifest File (e.g.
myapp.ini) to your web server.

Think of a web update install as a much "ligher" type of install - it
resides ON the web - it doesn't need stand alone features - it's a bare
bones install - Modify the update project (add changed files, registry
entries, etc.).


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7 - Encourager Software
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online
Profile Exchanges - www.encouragersoftware.com/profile/

01-17-2009, 03:30 AM

Thank you, but that is what I'm already basing my question on.

> Friedrich can give you the more qualified answer - but here is the short
> story -
> Study this help topic - Using Web Update in Your Installation

Russell B. Eggen
Skype Clarion chat: http://tinyurl.com/2273lm

01-17-2009, 03:30 AM
> David,
> Thank you, but that is what I'm already basing my question on.


Wasn't really sure what you needed - and knew Friedrich could clear it up

- BUT it gave me an opportunity (with corrected version) to help "others"
to initially "grasp" the concept of web update - how really easy it is to
use - and some tips - the username/password is something NOT to use unless
necessary AND then of course, encrypt it if you do, something someone could
easily stumble over, etc


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7 - Encourager Software
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online
Profile Exchanges - www.encouragersoftware.com/profile/