View Full Version : Windows 7

01-20-2009, 02:48 AM
Setupbuilder performs extremely well on Windows 7 and we have not found any

Thanks for the Excellent tool....and the new Windows options in the

Kind regards


01-21-2009, 02:57 AM
> Setupbuilder performs extremely well on Windows 7 and we have not found any
> problems.
> Thanks for the Excellent tool....and the new Windows options in the
> installer.

Yes, I agree with Ben - just completed some inital testing with the new
Windows options, and now, Windows 7 installs works just as the previous
Vista installs.

With some further testing, Encourager Software will release a Product Scope
7 install that is Windows 7 compatible.

Since the Windows 7 beta is so relatively new, thanks for this speedy
implementation so we can accomodate potential customers (that will
implement trial versions on both Vista and Windows 7) with a proper

While my company and others will not officially support such an early beta
version of an unreleased OS, consumers WILL be testing all kinds of
software in Windows 7 beta - and it's nice to know, they won't have to
resort to "TroubleShoot compatibility".


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7 - Encourager Software
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online
Profile Exchanges - www.encouragersoftware.com/profile/

01-21-2009, 02:58 AM
The thing is :

The 2.5 Million downloads will mostly be programmers and / or technical
support people that will have an 'excellent experience' with whatever
software installs natively to Windows 7.

It will show the 'pro-active' nature of the company that releases software
for windows 7 and of cause an oppertunity to create a favorable impression
is never to be missed.

Kind regards


01-21-2009, 02:59 AM
> The thing is :
> The 2.5 Million downloads will mostly be programmers and / or technical
> support people that will have an 'excellent experience' with whatever
> software installs natively to Windows 7.


IMHO, While a healthy percentage will definitely be "technical types",
don't under estimate a VERY large group of average consumers, who will jump
at the opportunity for a "FREE until August - Vista age OS".

"Due to the unexpectedly high demand, Microsoft has also decided to remove
its initial 2.5 million download limit and make it available to the public
until January 24th 2009."

So, the first LARGE - "non-technical group" has downloaded, installed, and
are now experimenting - AND, another large - "non-technical group" has
minimally downloaded or are about to (until Jan 24th 2009) - and will wait
on some more postive feedback, and then possibly install as well.

> It will show the 'pro-active' nature of the company that releases software
> for windows 7 and of cause an oppertunity to create a favorable impression
> is never to be missed.

Definitely - one of the most significant selling points of SetupBuilder
product line is to have an extraordinary, ongoing maintenance plan that
keeps our installs - state of the art - with feature enhancements that
include addressing concerns that did not exist only months before!


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7 - Encourager Software
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online
Profile Exchanges - www.encouragersoftware.com/profile/