View Full Version : Vista Fonts driving me crazy

Doug I
01-22-2009, 12:43 AM

I am really hating Vista more and more each day. :(
I have an SB install that simply installs a dozen or so TT fonts to the Windows\Font folder.

This install works fine under XP, but does nothing under Vista. I don't get any errors that a problem exists and I see the same progress bar looking like it is actually copying the fonts. But when I check the Fonts folder, nothing is there.

I've googled this problem and found little to help my cause. I'm hoping that you might have some answers on this.

The following are two links that I found had the most info about this font issue with Vista.



Microsoft kb claims its my UAC rights and admin rights... NO GO! I have admin rights, UAC on, and I even forced the executable to run in Administrator mode.

The other link I referenced shows a series of people communicating the same problem I am experiencing and the only solution being that I must copy my fonts to the C drive and then manually copy the fonts over to the \Windows\Font folder in order to get them installed and registered. YUCK :(

I thought this worked for me at one point, but I simply don't recall now. I just know that Vista is not working the same as XP does when it comes to the installing of TT font files.

Any help appreciated.
Doug I

01-22-2009, 01:10 AM
Hi Doug,

If you are interested, please send your project file and one or two of your font files to our support (support at lindersoft dot com) and we'll review your script.


01-22-2009, 05:52 AM
See private email.
