View Full Version : Line cannot be Deleted

01-27-2009, 04:37 AM

Using 2482.. Line 133 cannot be deleted or commented out - it just sits
Seem to remember that there was a similar problem that *was* fixed..

Zip attached... fyi


01-27-2009, 04:38 AM
Hi Steve,

> Using 2482.. Line 133 cannot be deleted or commented out - it just sits
> there!
> Seem to remember that there was a similar problem that *was* fixed..
> Zip attached... fyi

Do you know what you did before that happened? I think you "moved" script
lines, right? Or did you move and delete? This problem was never "fixed"
because we cannot reproduce it at will :-(


01-27-2009, 04:39 AM
I copied a half-dozen lines from one script to another (separate .sb6

When I pasted into the second file, it scrambled itself - it was half in
'Execute programs' and half in 'Finalise Setup'

Steve Bywaters

01-27-2009, 04:39 AM
Hi Steve,

> I copied a half-dozen lines from one script to another (separate .sb6
> files).
> When I pasted into the second file, it scrambled itself - it was half
> in 'Execute programs' and half in 'Finalise Setup'

Interesting information!! We'll investigate it again.


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

01-27-2009, 08:03 AM
Ok.... and you have my sample sb6 file, to check why exactly it won't

Steve Bywaters

01-27-2009, 08:03 AM

> Ok.... and you have my sample sb6 file, to check why exactly it won't
> delete.

We know why the line can't be deleted (it's placed in a protected area).
But that is not the problem -- the problem is to reproduce why this happens.
And even with your project file it can't be duplicated :-( So there must be
a very specific combination of steps.

BTW, do you need a fixed version of the project file you attached. We can
fix your script in a minute.


01-28-2009, 02:50 AM
I just wrapped a kinda "if 1 = 0.." conditional around it.... to make sure
it doesn't execute!

Steve Bywaters

01-30-2009, 01:41 PM
Hi Steve,

> I just wrapped a kinda "if 1 = 0.." conditional around it.... to make sure
> it doesn't execute!

I can fix it for you if you want. You have a line in your script that will
stay there forever.

I think we can reproduce it now and your copy and paste report helped a lot.
If you delete all lines between two Sections (so there is only one line left
between the Sections) and then paste lines to the first Section, it produces
one line that is locked and cannot be removed.

Thanks again for your help! This very long standing bug will be fixed in
the next maintenance build (both SB6 and SB7).

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner