View Full Version : Suggestions re. "staged" install

01-28-2009, 03:02 AM
When I upgrade several hundred stores with a new version, usually containing
TPS file schema conversions, there are inevitably a handful that have a
problem. For some reason, one of the file converters that I lovingly craft
and place in the SB installer will fail.

Then it becomes a PITA for the helpdesk people... they have to understand
what is going on (often with either rudimentary english or computer skills
at the 'other end')... then deal with partly-completed upgrades! Which
files are converted.. which are not.. etc.

And this is always after the fact - the store operators got through the
whole installation.. kinda... only to discover that there program will now
not run (an error 47 somewhere, or some other failure).

(Of course, the other 98% run 100%...)

Is there any protocol for some kind of staged installation?
So we can pick up after the last successful step?
Do I just write successful step numbers to a log file, and read/pick up from
Anyone done anything like this? (hardly an uncommon experience I would

Interested in thoughts..