View Full Version : Bug in "Go" from Debug Menu?

Wayne Freeman
01-30-2009, 03:18 PM
Hi Friedrich,

I don't know if this was supposed to happen or not, but if not, I think it's a bug.

I had done some coding in the Script Editor, then went to "Files and Folders" to update some of the folder contents. I needed to refresh one of the directory lists, so, out of habit, I hit F5. I know better, but, habit, you know?

Anyway, so the debugger launched, and I got the message asking if I wanted to save. Well, I didn't at that moment, nor did I really want to debug, I just wanted to get back to what I was doing, so I clicked "No".

Well, not only did it not save, but it rolled back all changes I had made since the last save (which were considerable, but that's my fault). I've since tested that, intentionally, a couple of times. It seems to be easily repeatable.

Is it supposed to do that? If so, it really should warn us that it's going to.



01-31-2009, 06:33 AM
Hi Wayne,

I think an "Abort" option in the "Do you want to change?" dialog would be a good idea. "Yes" and "No" is not enough here. We'll add this to the next maintenance release.


Wayne Freeman
01-31-2009, 08:01 PM
Hi Friedrich,

I think that would be fine.

But just to be specific, it's a "Do you want to save..." dialog, not "Do you want to change...".

