View Full Version : How to: Register templates in multiple versions

02-01-2009, 03:49 AM
Having installed a set of templates into multiple Clarion versions using
one installation EXE, I would like to register them in all installed

I observe that "Register Clarion Templates" has the ability to specify
the IDE location. IDE locations can be determined from the registry for
recent versions, or from WIN.INI for earlier versions, so that is not a
major problem. (Would be nicer if the path could be obtained with a
built-in function, but not a big deal.)

Does SB support for the Clarion 7 IDE allow registering only for the
active Clarion 7 compiler? I can't seem to find any discussion of this.

Phil Carroll

02-01-2009, 03:49 AM

> Having installed a set of templates into multiple Clarion versions using
> one installation EXE, I would like to register them in all installed
> versions.
> I observe that "Register Clarion Templates" has the ability to specify the
> IDE location. IDE locations can be determined from the registry for
> recent versions, or from WIN.INI for earlier versions, so that is not a
> major problem. (Would be nicer if the path could be obtained with a
> built-in function, but not a big deal.)
> Does SB support for the Clarion 7 IDE allow registering only for the
> active Clarion 7 compiler? I can't seem to find any discussion of this.

Yes, SetupBuilder allows template registration for one specific Clarion
version. Let us assume, the installer detects three supported Clarion
versions (e.g. 5.5, 6.3, 7.0), and the user selects the "Clarion 7" option,
then templates are registered in Clarion 7.

BTW, the IDE location in "Register Clarion Templates" is not used for
Clarion 7 template registrations. It's only used for C2 - C6.3. If you are
using the "Clarion Environment Detection" dialog, the path to the IDE is
detected automatically.

And the "If Clarion..." statement returns the full path and exe name of the
(detected) Clarion IDE in %_SB_TMP%.


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

02-01-2009, 03:50 AM
Hi Friedrich,

I was reminded about the path from "If Clarion..." when I checked my
older scripts.

My intent of this new script was to allow the user to request
installation into all installed (and supported) Clarion versions at one
time. Using "If Clarion" I was planning to register in all IDEs for
their native compiler. Thus, the Clarion Environment Detection dialog
would not be used for this option:

(1) detect 5.5 present, save path
(2) install template for clarion 5.5
(3) register template using 5.5 path

(4) detect 6.3 present, save path
(5) install template for clarion 6.3
(6) register template using 6.3 path

(7) detect 7.0 present, save path
(8) install template for clarion 7.0
(9) register template using 7.0 path

However, if I understand you correctly, the user must manually register
the to use the 5.5 and 6.3 compilers under C7. Correct?

Furthermore, SB supports C7 registration only if the user selects C7 in
a CED dialog. Correct?

Seems to destroy the concept I had in mind.

Phil Carroll

02-01-2009, 03:51 AM

two french cents :)

you need to support 5.5 and 6 and 7 ?
add TWO clarion detection dialogs in SB7 hiding and changing check boxes depending on versions ....after the first one (change to "you have you want ?" for example instead
of "select the clarion version")

then in script easy for you to copy files or there....

then registrations ..... Friedrich please ? :)



Cordialement - Best regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ


DMC - Data Management Center
A tool to let you Migrate Import Export Transfer your Data
Certified by Microsoft : "Works with Vista" &
"Works with Windows Server 2008"

02-01-2009, 03:51 AM
I guess something like that might work. However, the only CED dialog I
should need would be for Clarion 7. The others can be done
automatically. Putting in a CED dialog for version 7 would be slightly
more interactive than I expected, but easier than forcing a separate
execution and less complicated to explain.


Phil Carroll

02-01-2009, 03:52 AM
Still have to ask the user if he wants to install in all versions no ? :)

Cordialement - Best regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ


DMC - Data Management Center
A tool to let you Migrate Import Export Transfer your Data
Certified by Microsoft : "Works with Vista" &
"Works with Windows Server 2008"

02-01-2009, 03:52 AM

Am I correct to assume that the pending queue is cleared after the
"register pending templates" operation is performed?

If not, what is the command to clear this queue?

Phil Carroll

02-02-2009, 02:39 AM
> Still have to ask the user if he wants to install in all versions no ? :)

The particular installer I am working on is to install feature add-ons
into a previously installed modular product. If the user installed the
base product into multiple versions, there is no logical reason to
suspect the user would decline installing the add-on feature module.
The feature merely enhances what is already there, and does not impact
what is already there. There can be no negative consequences except
space utilization, and that is insignificant.

Note that the "Clarion Environment Detection" dialog is not useful,
because the issue is not a list of supported Clarion versions. The
issue is which previous installations support the add-on. This
information was previously stored in the registry. The installer finds
the base installation(s) in the registry, checks compatibility, obtains
the installation path(s) from the registry of the compatible versions
and installs the feature automatically into those paths.

Automatically registering the templates for each version is "the cherry
on top". (To mix a metaphor, hopefully NOT "the fly in the ointment". <g>)

As presently designed, the base product is installed into one version at
a time. If that script were to be modified to install to multiple
versions, it would ask the user where to install, certainly.

Phil Carroll

02-02-2009, 02:42 AM

Now I see why no use indeed but a question if you please (never installed templates so ...) :

when you install an update to a template already registered, what is the use to register it when doing an update (or an add-on like in your case) as :
if the user registered it manually or through the first install - next time clarion starts it will detect changes (update or add-on) and update the registry
if the user did not register it or remove it manualy then registering it would go against his "will"

am I missing some logic somewhere ? :)

except if you (in this case) install a new template ...

but for a normal update - never understood why registering was asked to be done....

Cordialement - Best regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ


DMC - Data Management Center
A tool to let you Migrate Import Export Transfer your Data
Certified by Microsoft : "Works with Vista" &
"Works with Windows Server 2008"

02-02-2009, 02:43 AM
Hi Phil,

> Am I correct to assume that the pending queue is cleared after the
> "register pending templates" operation is performed?
> If not, what is the command to clear this queue?

Yes, this is correct. The pending queue is cleared after the "Register all
pending Clarion Templates" operation is performed.

I see what you are trying to do and I think we only need one minor
modification in the SetupBuilder runtime to handle this. You can then
register templates for different Clarion versions from the same installer at
the same time. No need to use the "Clarion Environment Detection" dialog in
this case.


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

02-02-2009, 02:43 AM
Hi Friedrich,

> I see what you are trying to do and I think we only need one minor
> modification in the SetupBuilder runtime to handle this. You can then
> register templates for different Clarion versions from the same installer at
> the same time. No need to use the "Clarion Environment Detection" dialog in
> this case.

I see one potential problem with this. The DDE server uses the same server
name for all clarion versions. So the only way this is going to work is if
you terminate the instance of clarion that you have just registered in
before you attempt to load the other. Unless you are doing this in C7 to
register in previous versions in which case I have no clue how it works<bg>

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson - Icetips Creative, Inc.
Port Angeles, Washington
www.icetips.com - www.buildautomator.com

Icetips product subscriptions at http://www.icetips.com/subscribe.php

02-02-2009, 02:44 AM
> ...the only way this is going to work is if
> you terminate the instance of clarion that you have just registered in
> before you attempt to load the other.

Maybe this is what Friedrich means by "I think we only need one minor
modification in the SetupBuilder runtime to handle this". I will be
fascinated to see what Friedrich comes up with to support this.

> Unless you are doing this in C7 to
> register in previous versions in which case I have no clue how it works<bg>

Friedrich said earlier in the thread that this isn't supported.

Phil Carroll

02-02-2009, 02:44 AM
The script could pause while it asks the user to close each (DDE based)
Clarion version before proceeding to the next version. In fact, this
pause is part of the SB template registration support.

I will be testing this today to see how it works without any changes by
Friedrich. (If I can get to it before the game starts. <g>)

Go Cards!

Phil Carroll

02-02-2009, 02:45 AM
Hi Phil,

> The script could pause while it asks the user to close each (DDE based)
> Clarion version before proceeding to the next version. In fact, this
> pause is part of the SB template registration support.

Yes, I believe it was done after I ran into registering a template when the
IDE was open and the second instance trashed the registry. I think
Friedrich added a message if the IDE was open to prevent that.

> I will be testing this today to see how it works without any changes by
> Friedrich. (If I can get to it before the game starts. <g>)

It should not be too difficult with something like:

Add template to registry queue (C6)
Register all templates
Close the IDE

Add template to registry queue (C5.5)
Register all templates
Close the IDE


Personally I wouldn't bother - I just let the user install it for each
version if they want to - JMO:)

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson - Icetips Creative, Inc.
Port Angeles, Washington
www.icetips.com - www.buildautomator.com

Icetips product subscriptions at http://www.icetips.com/subscribe.php

02-03-2009, 02:07 AM
> when you install an update to a template already registered, what is the use to register it when doing an update (or an add-on like in your case)

Registration is not necessary for an update. In fact, my regular update
installs will in future not attempt to register. No need.

The modular add-on is a separate feature with a separate template.
(Think UT standard + tagging feature added.)

Phil Carroll

02-03-2009, 02:08 AM
Thanks for confirming what I thought was correct : seems ALL the installers out there force or offer a registration for updates when they should not ....

c7 please bring us fully checked installers ... :)

Cordialement - Best regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ


DMC - Data Management Center
A tool to let you Migrate Import Export Transfer your Data
Certified by Microsoft : "Works with Vista" &
"Works with Windows Server 2008"

02-03-2009, 02:09 AM

>> ...the only way this is going to work is if
>> you terminate the instance of clarion that you have just registered in
>> before you attempt to load the other.
> Maybe this is what Friedrich means by "I think we only need one minor
> modification in the SetupBuilder runtime to handle this". I will be
> fascinated to see what Friedrich comes up with to support this.
>> Unless you are doing this in C7 to
>> register in previous versions in which case I have no clue how it
>> works<bg>
> Friedrich said earlier in the thread that this isn't supported.

I have modified SetupBuilder in such a way that it is possible to
(programmatically) install and register Clarion templates in multiple
Clarion versions from the same setup.exe session. For example, you can run
setup.exe and let it install and register templates for Clarion 5.5, Clarion
6.0 and Clarion 7.

I have also added functionality to detect and terminate active Clarion IDE

I'll make more information and a demo available soon.


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

02-03-2009, 02:10 AM
> Phil,
>>> ...the only way this is going to work is if
>>> you terminate the instance of clarion that you have just registered in
>>> before you attempt to load the other.
>> Maybe this is what Friedrich means by "I think we only need one minor
>> modification in the SetupBuilder runtime to handle this". I will be
>> fascinated to see what Friedrich comes up with to support this.
>>> Unless you are doing this in C7 to
>>> register in previous versions in which case I have no clue how it
>>> works<bg>
>> Friedrich said earlier in the thread that this isn't supported.
> I have modified SetupBuilder in such a way that it is possible to
> (programmatically) install and register Clarion templates in multiple
> Clarion versions from the same setup.exe session. For example, you can run
> setup.exe and let it install and register templates for Clarion 5.5, Clarion
> 6.0 and Clarion 7.


I'm not a Clarion Third Party vendor (just document them a LOT! :-D), but
for Clarion developers everywhere -

THANK YOU very much for your company providing extraordinary features to
the SetupBuilder product line to accomodate those that deal with installing
and registering Clarion templates!


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7 - Encourager Software
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online
Profile Exchanges - www.encouragersoftware.com/profile/

02-03-2009, 02:11 AM
> Personally I wouldn't bother - I just let the user install it for each
> version if they want to - JMO:)

I have always done that in the past. But, with a modular setup, I have
some customers with a standard base and several separate feature
add-ons. That is multiple installs for just one version. Now, with
Clarion 7, many are going to keep some apps in Clarion 6 and even
Clarion 5.5. That requires multiple installs to each of multiple versions.

I want to take advantage of SB flexibility to simplify the installation
process for the user as much a I can.

Phil Carroll

02-03-2009, 02:11 AM
Hi Phil,

> I want to take advantage of SB flexibility to simplify the installation
> process for the user as much a I can.


Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson - Icetips Creative, Inc.
Port Angeles, Washington
www.icetips.com - www.buildautomator.com

Icetips product subscriptions at http://www.icetips.com/subscribe.php