View Full Version : Using SB in System 7

02-11-2009, 05:27 PM
I have installed 64 bit Windows 7 on a new computer. I have no other OS installed on that computer at present, but still have my XP PRO computer as fallback. (networked) My XP system's SB6 project folder is connected as a drive letter on Win 7. (I want the ability to fall back to XP at any time, in case Win 7 goes bonkers.) SB6 on Win7 is set up to use the connected XP project folder as the default project folder.

In XP PRO, I have always run in admin mode. Never had any rights issues doing anything in SB. I have no previous experience with Vista. I seem to be having some issues in Win7.

Here is the problem:

If I start up SB as a user, it instantly fires up ok and allows me to open projects. However, then when I attempt to access the user guide, SB tells me to run it as an admin.

But, if I try to start up SB with "run as administrator", UAC instantly asks me if I want to allow SB to "make changes". If I answer yes, then SB says it can't find the project folder, and asks me if I want to create it! This looks like an unusable state.

Is this all "expected Vista behavior" or have I installed it incorrectly?

02-12-2009, 02:29 AM

It only displays the "Run as admin" if you try to open the PDF manual, but the PDF manual is not available (had not been previously downloaded or installed). The underlying Windows Winsock core component (to download the PDF from the Internet) is only available to applications that run with administrator execution level privileges.

You can run the IDE as admin to download the PDF for you or manually download the PDF from our web site. If the PDF manual is installed, you can access it from the SetupBuilder IDE even when running as Standard User.

BTW, there is a fundamental difference between running as Admin (e.g. under XP) and executing an application with Administrator execution level privileges in a UAC-aware operating system! Completely different animals ;)

Does this help?


02-12-2009, 02:39 AM
BTW, if you run the SetupBuilder IDE as Standard User for the first time, it asks you to confirm the creation of the Project folder. The same will happen if you run the IDE for the first time as Administrator. The Standard User and the Admin are running under completely different profiles! And if you create another Standard User account and run SetupBuilder from there the first time, you'll see it again. Why? Because SetupBuilder is a true UAC-aware and mixed-user (mixed-mode) application designed to work under Vista/2008/Win7 in Administrator or Standard User mode.

There are tons of interesting Vista (UAC) related threads here:

It's very important (for your own application development and deployment) to understand the fundamental difference between the "old" operating systems and the new UAC-aware systems.


02-12-2009, 10:42 AM
Thanks, Friedrich. The bottom line I take away is that SB does not have to run elevated in normal use.

BTW, do you know if the next build of Clarion 7 will be able to install to Win 7?

02-12-2009, 11:23 AM
Yes, you are right. The SetupBuilder IDE does not require elevation. Only if you download documentation updates from the Internet (because this is not permitted for Standard Users). The SetupBuilder IDE is a mixed-mode compatible application.

Unfortunately, I don’t know whether SoftVelocity will allow the installation of the next Clarion 7 release to Windows 7.
