View Full Version : Installation log anomaly (SB 6.9)

02-12-2009, 02:43 AM

One of my clients IT staff is testing the SB install of my latest *upgrade*
to one of my packages.
He reported this to me:

"[after running upgrade installer]... I realised the following files are
missing; Uninst_TCS Store Manager 5.exe & Uninst_TCS Store Manager 5.log.
This means even when I go into Win -> Control Panel -> Add & Remove Program;
it still can not remove the SM program and files at all. I have to delete
all files in the working folder manually, and also the registry."

I have *always* just included the Create Installation Log in my scripts...
with the default installer log name.
As we know, there was a problem with SB until a few sub-versions ago where
the log file was over-written and re-started, but recently it was
over-hauled to append to any existing log of the defined name.

But he is reporting to me that the existing log file is just DELETED (along
with the associated uninstall exe).
I tested his assertion, and he is quite right!!

But the Create Installation Log IS present.. default name.. and overwrite

I changed the setting to *OPEN* installation log.. re-compiled.. and now it
works as it should, i.e. my upgrade appends to the log

But my understanding - backed up by help - is that it should have done that

What is occurring?
What could have the existing LOG and EXE be *deleted* and not even replaced?
Is "Open" the log now the correct protocol?


02-12-2009, 02:45 AM

First of all, I do NOT remember any "problem" with SetupBuilder a few
sub-versions ago where the log file was over-written and re-started. Could
you please point me to the thread (or email) where this was reported?

There was a feature change in April 2007 (not sure if you are talking about
this one)


The installer does not overwrite an existing uninstall .log any longer. It
opens and appends entries to an existing uninstall .log.


The installer never deletes the uninstall .log or .exe. Only if you have
the "Overwrite Existing Uninstall Application" option in the "Set
Installation Log Mode..." function enabled, the existing uninstall .exe will
be replaced by the new version (btw, just noticed that the documentation for
this function is incomplete -- will be fixed). Otherwise, the existing
uninstall .exe will not be overwritten.

The "Create Installation Log" option will create a new log file -OR- open an
existing .log and then append log entries.

"Open Installation Log" is not the correct option in your case.


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

02-12-2009, 02:46 AM

I tracked it down to May 08, under "unwanted Rollback" - but now I look at
it, that's NOT relevant to what's happening here - there's no Rollback

I remembered that *something* had been fixed - oops, sorry:
'feaure-changed' in Micro$peak - and in fact you had added "Smart Rollback"
to address that
issue, which was a good addition.
So apologies for my confusion on that one - irrelevant.

You say:
> The installer never deletes the uninstall .log or .exe. Only if you have
> the "Overwrite Existing Uninstall Application" option in the "Set
> Installation Log Mode..." function enabled, the existing uninstall .exe
> will

But it did... and it wasn't.
If you read my post, I explicitly said this.

> The "Create Installation Log" option will create a new log file -OR- open
> an existing .log and then append log entries.

yes, that was my understanding.
It's not doing it in this case

This is strange - let me do some more testing (in debug mode) and get back
to you.


02-13-2009, 11:06 AM
I have discovered *what* is happening, but not the why/how-come:

* When set up normally, the log file IS being appended to by the upgrade..
all is well.. until...
* On installer exit - on 2 PCs so far - the uninstall EXE and LOG are
deleted! There is no script line to request this.

I have tried 'Close the Installation Log" before end of script - made no

The file deletion occurs upon termination of the installer, after the
'Finish' dialog.

Does NOT happen on my development PC, but does happen on my test PC (now
XP/SP2, as advised) and also my client's PC (it was he who first alerted me
to this).

What can be happening?


02-13-2009, 11:07 AM
> What can be happening?

This could be too obvious, but I will ask, you do NOT have the "Remove
Uninstall after Successful Installation" option in the General Information
Properties ENABLED?

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

02-13-2009, 11:08 AM
> This could be too obvious, but I will ask,

Obvious maybe, but not *too* obvious, because YES, I do... unintentioanlly
(none of the previous upgrade installers have it, just this one!).

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

A question comes to mind: if the install creator deliberately sets this
'on', then the LOG (as well as the EXE) will be deleted.. which means that
the program cannot properly be un-installed, correct?


02-13-2009, 11:08 AM
>> This could be too obvious, but I will ask,
> <g>
> Obvious maybe, but not *too* obvious, because YES, I do... unintentioanlly
> (none of the previous upgrade installers have it, just this one!).
> Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.


> A question comes to mind: if the install creator deliberately sets this
> 'on', then the LOG (as well as the EXE) will be deleted.. which means that
> the program cannot properly be un-installed, correct?

That's correct! And if a previous install created the uninstall .log and
..exe and added "Add/Remove" Control Panel entries, then those entries can
also not be uninstalled. You have to do it by hand
(HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Un install\{YourGUID}


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner