View Full Version : RUN from Clarion

10-24-2006, 02:25 AM

Using C6.3 9054 ABC - I have a procedure that will download (FTP) a
SetupBuilder 5.6 install file. The procedure then runs the intaller.

If I use the wait parameter on the Clarion RUN command the SetupBuilder
intall program just hangs. I can see it in the task manager but it will
just sit there until I force close the Clarion program. If I remove the
wait attribute it runs. The procedure has other things to do but they are
dependant on the installer to run first.

Do you have any idea why the installer will not run when called using the
Clarion RUN command?


Tony Tetley
Professional Data Services, Inc.

10-24-2006, 02:25 AM

We are using the RUN command and SetupBuilder 5.6 applications without any

The following works fine here (test.exe is an installer compiled with 5.6).
The Clarion app is compiled with 9054.

message('we are here')

The installer starts and performs a few things. Then it terminates and
I see the "we are here" message. Tested on XP, 2003, x64.


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

10-24-2006, 02:26 AM

Does not work here:

run('test.exe',1) <- just hangs

run('test.exe') <- runs
message('wait for it') <- don't click OK until the installer is
finished, and all is fine

This is a SB 5.6 installer on XP with all service packs and hot fixes
applied. I am stumped.


10-29-2006, 04:10 AM
Hi Tony,

I think that I recall having a similar problem several months back. I
remember that there was a problem with the virtual memory setting in
windows. Also, Microsoft once told me that this can happen if there are too
many files in the windows temporary directory. Weird I know but when nothing
else seems to work, it may be worth checking out. Hope this helps.

Bob Lewis

10-30-2006, 11:35 AM
Hi Bob,

Thanks for the information. I was able to work around the problem. The SB5
install was self deleting, so I just did a run without waiting and set a
timer loop to look for the file to disappear.
