View Full Version : Insufficiant RAM to run install

11-01-2006, 09:45 AM
Hi All,

Has anyone seen this error from SB before? I have had two customers
now that have received this attempting to install my application.

Install EXE size: 7.2MB
SB Version: 5.6.1659

Both instances were on notebook computers running XP with 256MB
of RAM.




11-01-2006, 09:46 AM
Tell them to go to www.crucial.com and buy more memory... 256 Mb of RAM
isn't enough to run Windows XP any more.


Ben E. Brady
Want OUTRAGEOUS web disk space and bandwidth?
250 GB disk space and 2100 GB transfer per month,


The information contained in the message above, as expressed by the author,
is copyright 2006 by Ben E. Brady, All rights strictly reserved worldwide.
The information contained in the message above may not be posted on any
other information forum or web site without the express written permission
of the author. All opinions expressed in the message are those of the author
and are not necessarily shared by other members of the newsgroup and may or
may not be in agreement with SoftVelocity, the host of this newsgroup.

11-01-2006, 09:46 AM

You have set a RAM condition in the Hardware Requirements. Perhaps you
have set it to 512MB, so the 256MB on their system does not meet the

Does this help?


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

11-01-2006, 09:46 AM
By the way, just to make it clear. SetupBuilder 5.6 compiles low (memory)
overhead installers. This is a user defined error - in this specific case
I think RAM Hardware Requirement is set to 512 MB. So if the notebook
does not meet that RAM requirement, an error message pops up.

Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

11-01-2006, 09:46 AM
Thanks Friedrich,

However, my RAM setting is 256. Not 512MB.

Any ideas?




11-01-2006, 09:46 AM

How much memory does the laptop physcially have? If it's 256, then maybe it
is because there isn't 256 Meg available?

Michael Gould

11-01-2006, 09:47 AM

What Michael said! You can check this with a "Get System Information"

For example:

Set Variable %MEMORY% to ScriptItem->Get System Information(Physical Memory)
Display Message Box "%MEMORY%" -- ""

For example, on a 1GB test machine it says 1022 (and not the expected 1024).

What you can do is to set Hardware RAM Requirements to "Any" and then check
the RAM from the script (e.g. 250 or less instead of 256).

Set Variable %MEMORY% to ScriptItem->Get System Information(Physical Memory)
If %MEMORY% Less Than "250" Then
Display Message Box "The amount of RAM yadayada" -- ""
Exit Installation

Does this help?


11-02-2006, 06:35 AM
Hi Michael,

You lost me....

If the computer has 256MB RAM how can it not have at least
256 available? Unless the user has changed the configuration
doesn't the settings for "Virtual Memory" extend the actual
amount using the "PageFile" on the hard drive?

One of the problem customers has reported to me that the
max setting for the "Virtual Memory" is 744MB.



11-02-2006, 06:35 AM

When you have M

B in a computer today you are dead for anything else than using notepad more
or less

Moreover when a SYSTEM has 256 MB the it will take some 200MB and leave only
56MB free for applications

tell them to upgrade ram and put a minimum of 512MB in your settings

SB checks not the available ram but the installed ram and it needs more than
50MB fo run your installer etc ....

Today under 1024 ir is near to impossible to work normally in XP



Thank you

Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ

Best Regards

11-02-2006, 06:35 AM
I completely agree with your assesment of RAM and the need to
have it. I have already advised my customers to upgrade.

I was merely attempting to discover what the installer is actually
looking at to determine if it can install or not. I am still somewhat
confused in that the customers computer has 256MB installed
and SB is refusing to install with my RAM requirement being set
at 256MB.

I can always reduce the requirement to 128MB, or "Any" for that
matter, but I was just attempting to avoid support issues when my
application fails to run on their computer. I don't mind supporting
my program at all but I definately do not want to have anything to
do with supporting Microstupid.

Thanks for your input.



11-02-2006, 06:36 AM
Hi Lee,

>If the computer has 256MB RAM how can it not have at least
>256 available? Unless the user has changed the configuration

I think the _hardware_ requirements do _only_ detect the physical,
actual RAM that is in the computer. Also it's quite possible that the
video card uses shared memory so it may be gobbling up some of the

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson
Icetips Software
San Antonio, Texas, USA

Subscribe to information from Icetips.com:

11-02-2006, 06:36 AM
Hi Arnor,

I agree. It seems the obvious solution is to forget about checking
for RAM and let them go ahead and install. The only problem I will
face then is handling any support calls that might arise from this.



11-02-2006, 06:36 AM
Hi Lee,

>I agree. It seems the obvious solution is to forget about checking
>for RAM and let them go ahead and install. The only problem I will
>face then is handling any support calls that might arise from this.

You could tackle that in your software by checking the amount of
physical memory and warn users that are low on RAM. I have a client
where I'm working on a project that uses Crystal Reports. They were
complaining that it took a while for it to load up reports on this one
computer so I took a look: 256MB of ram shared with the graphic

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson
Icetips Software
San Antonio, Texas, USA

Subscribe to information from Icetips.com:

11-02-2006, 06:37 AM
Because once you start up the machine, there is the memory taken by the OS
itself which can be quite large depending on the features turned on, many
lower end machines map or use shared memory for the video card instead of
having separate memory and then there might be other programs which have
"quick starts" which start programs in the background.

Best Regards,

Michael Gould

11-02-2006, 06:37 AM
Thanks Michael,

I know what I have to do then.



11-02-2006, 06:37 AM
Years ago with an MSDOS based program I put in a test to ensure that
the computer had at least 640K (remember those days?) of RAM. Not
every computer returned the magic number indicating 640K so I had to
test for a value somewhat lower but still way above 512K. Not sure why
for all of the exceptions.

Today with WinXP we have computers where the video shares part of the
RAM instead of having dedicated RAM in the video card. There are
probably a number of other reasons why you might get back a value less
than you expected even though the computer was specified as 256M, or
-- Regards, Roger Due

11-02-2006, 06:38 AM
If the computer uses SHARED video memory, even if they ouly have 256 RAM
they will end up with much less and you'll get the error.


Ben E. Brady
Want OUTRAGEOUS web disk space and bandwidth?
250 GB disk space and 2100 GB transfer per month,


The information contained in the message above, as expressed by the author,
is copyright 2006 by Ben E. Brady, All rights strictly reserved worldwide.
The information contained in the message above may not be posted on any
other information forum or web site without the express written permission
of the author. All opinions expressed in the message are those of the author
and are not necessarily shared by other members of the newsgroup and may or
may not be in agreement with SoftVelocity, the host of this newsgroup.

11-02-2006, 06:38 AM
Thanks Friedrich,

I truly appreciate your thoughts and script suggestions to help me
overcome this minor problem.



11-02-2006, 06:39 AM
It might be possible that they share that memory with the video or
something like that.

Jeff Slarve