View Full Version : SetupBuilder 6.0 Announcement

11-06-2006, 08:57 AM

Windows Vista will go to RTM within the next few hours and will be released
to business customers on November 30th.

To integrate the SetupBuilder IDE with the new Vista security infrastructure
of User Account Control (UAC), we have to follow the new Vista guidelines
and remove all SetupBuilder's IDE Administrative Dependencies.

We are currently looking for testers for the SetupBuilder 6 Developer
Edition installation system.

If you are a licensed SetupBuilder 5.6 Developer Edition user with a current
maintenance subscription, and you are interested in testing SetupBuilder 6
Developer Edition (release candidate), please send an e-mail to

Our goal is to make SetupBuilder 6.0 (release candidate) available by the
end of this month. SetupBuilder 5.x and SetupBuilder 6.0 can coexist on the
same machine.

SetupBuilder 6.0 is required in order to improve the process of application
installation and maintenance at the Windows Vista client computer.