View Full Version : unzip slow in an install

11-18-2006, 05:24 AM
Hi again,

One other problem I have just encountered-
I need to unzip data from the CD during the install.
During my tests all went very well. When I just put the actual data on
the CD (550MB zip file) it slowed to a crawl taking nearly 15 minutes to
I used to use lszip in a separate program at the end of the install and
this takes about 2 minutes to unzip the same file from the same CD.
Is there something I am missing? Also, is there a way to display a
progress bar for the unzip?


11-18-2006, 05:24 AM
Hi Chris,

The SetupBuilder installer uses the very same LSZip DLL. I just tested an
installer on a 200 MB zip file, but I did not notice any performance
difference. I can send my test script.

At the moment the installer cannot display a progress bar. I'll check if it
is possible to add this to SB6.


11-18-2006, 05:25 AM
Thanks Friedrich

The way I'm going, it will probably fix itself.
I am also trying to make an example of the extra spaces problem and I
can not reproduce the problem. Go figure.
I will run another test with new CDs and no other programs running. I
was a bit surprised by the speed problem as well since i use LSzip and
have never been disappointed.

I'll let you know what happens.


11-18-2006, 05:25 AM
Still just as slow. I have a single 630MB tps file in a zip which takes
17 minutes to unzip from the CD. That's a little long.
When it is complete, it asks for the next CD and unzips the remaining
250MB zip file in about a minute.
Since TPS files don't compress very well, I might be able to leave that
first file unzipped, but I'd like to know what is wrong with my script
to make it behave this way. I'm sure I've got something backwards.


11-18-2006, 05:25 AM

Its been a few years, but there is a setting on CD drives that cause this.
Trying to recall which one it is, but if memory serves it affect Fujitsu
drives only. I encountered this many years ago and it requires a change to
a certain hardware setting (DMA?) and a re-boot. Once that happens, the CD
drive will be quite fast.

Wish I could tell you the exact steps, but I've slept a few time since then.

Russ Eggen
IRC Info: www.radfusion.com/irc.htm
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11-18-2006, 05:25 AM
Russell B. Eggen wrote:
> Chris,
> Its been a few years, but there is a setting on CD drives that cause this.
> Trying to recall which one it is, but if memory serves it affect Fujitsu
> drives only. I encountered this many years ago and it requires a change to
> a certain hardware setting (DMA?) and a re-boot. Once that happens, the CD
> drive will be quite fast.
> Wish I could tell you the exact steps, but I've slept a few time since then.
Thanks, Russ.
I will try the install on another system to see. If that's the case,
then I can move ahead.
