View Full Version : re:slow unzip . . .

11-28-2006, 12:49 AM
Thanks Russ. Running on a different drive was much better, but that
doesn't help the end user if they have a similar setup...
I wrote a separate unzip DLL so I could display a progress bar during
the unzip. I come back to the installer to prompt for the second CD and
call the unzip DLL a second time and it all works great (so far). :))

Now one question remains - Is there a way for me to include files that
need to be uninstalled into the uninstaller?
There are several files that get created by the system that are not
included in the setup that should be cleaned up during an uninstall.


11-28-2006, 12:49 AM
Look in the SB5 help for the topic:
"Creating a Custom Uninstall"

Jane Fleming

11-28-2006, 12:49 AM
The old "read the manual to find out what to do next" ploy... I might've

Thanks , Jane!
