View Full Version : Mutex detection problem

03-01-2009, 10:47 PM
The mutex application detection seems to be working, but I have discovered a bug that is quite troubling. Here is the situation:

- Existing application is running with a mutex of "MyApp"
- I launch my installer and it detects that the "MyApp" mutex is in use and tells you to close it, then loops until it is closed
- Even if I close my existing application it will always detect that the mutex is in use

Also, here is another situation that doesn't work:

- Existing application is not running
- My installer checks for a mutex of "MyApp" and doesn't find one
- The installer launches the uninstaller (built with InnoSetup) for the old version
- The uninstaller detects that the mutex "MyApp" is currently in use, even though the only thing that was done was a simple check by SB6

It seems that SB6 is creating the mutex but not releasing it, which is causing all kinds of problems during my installations. :( Can someone else confirm that this is a bug, or that I am doing something wrong?


03-02-2009, 02:09 AM

I think we have already fixed this in the latest internal source codes.


03-05-2009, 11:47 AM
Does this mean it will be fixed in the next maintenance release of SB6? If so, do you know when this build will be released?

03-06-2009, 03:26 AM

Yes, it will be fixed in the next maintenance release of SB6. The new build is scheduled to be released within the next 4-5 days.
