View Full Version : SetupBuilder 5 Beta Information [November 09, 2004]

11-10-2004, 03:33 AM
Dear Beta Tester,

Thank you for participating in the beta test program for SetupBuilder 5.

Your bug reports and suggestions for improving SetupBuilder 5 have helped us to build a great product. During the test period, we received quite a few good bug reports and suggestions for the product. Since many factors affect product design, we may not have been able to act upon all suggestions. Any feedback that we have not acted on is being considered for future versions of SetupBuilder.

The SetupBuilder 5 "open beta" test program is coming to an end. The "close beta" will begin by the end of this week and provides support for "web update". The "close beta" will be available to SetupBuilder customers only and will run for 3 weeks.

If you have not received your new "close beta" login password yet, please send your SetupBuilder 4 registration code to sb5 (at) lindersoft (dot) com


11-10-2004, 09:54 AM
Fred and Development Team,

This is the best installation program on the planet!!! We shipped more than 2,000 CDs to our customers (compiled with SB5 release #939) and there was not any problem!

I am more than happy because I was responsible for buying the tool.

Looking forward to the "close beta" ;)

Tom Waters

11-10-2004, 09:59 AM
For what it is worth, we switched from InstallShield 9 to SetupBuilder 5.

Tom Waters