View Full Version : Temp folder fon Clarion 6.3 9053

12-29-2006, 02:35 AM
Hi Friedrich,

When looking at my temp folder I found there a hidden folder,
apparently created by the SB install for build 9053:

"Temporary Directory 1 for Clarion6EE_V63_9053.zip"

Full name:

"c:\Documents and Settings\Arnor Baldvinsson\Local
Settings\Temp\Temporary Directory 1 for Clarion6EE_V63_9053.zip\"

This folder contains one file: Clarion6EE_V63_9053.exe

Not sure why this has happened and this seems to have only happened on
my laptop (XP Pro) not my desktop (XP Home). Both use XP SP2 with the
latest updates.

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson
Icetips Software
San Antonio, Texas, USA

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12-29-2006, 02:35 AM
Hi Arnór,

This is not caused by SetupBuilder (yeah, of course <g>).

I think WinZip or the internal Windows unzipping feature "forgot" to remove
the temporary folder (not created by SetupBuilder!!!) after running the
Clarion patch. If you run an installer from within a zip archive, Windows
(and/or WinZip) unzipps the installer into a temporary folder and
starts/runs the installer. After that it removes all files from the
temporary folder and then the installer.

Perhaps there is an option in XP Pro to not remove temporary files? I see
quite a few temporary folders (and files) for Adobe, VMWare, Word, etc. in
my Local Settings\Temp folder. There are also tons of temporary folders for
Microsoft self-extracting executables (.NET Framework, etc.). I remove
those files and folders once a month and thought this is the "standard"


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

12-29-2006, 02:36 AM
Hi Friedrich,

>starts/runs the installer. After that it removes all files from the
>temporary folder and then the installer.

I'm trying to remember what I may have done. I generally use Total
Commander to do any zip/unzip stuff on my computers, but I _think_ in
this case I may have downloaded and then selected Open, thinking it
was an .exe, not a .zip. Just wanted to make sure that this wasn't
something that SB was creating and forgetting to remove, although it
didn't quite make sense that it would do it on one computer, not the

>Microsoft self-extracting executables (.NET Framework, etc.). I remove
>those files and folders once a month and thought this is the "standard"

Yeah, I have a ton of this stuff even though I clean it out regularly.

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson
Icetips Software
San Antonio, Texas, USA

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