View Full Version : Install Date and Version information

12-04-2004, 01:32 PM
Hi Friedrich,

I need to add a variable to the new setup so I can put the install date into a registry key. In SB4 I used %INSTDATE%, but I can not find anything in SB5 that I could use.

Is it possible to access values for example in the Version information supplied in the general settings? There is a compiler var called PRODUCTVER, but how can I get that into the registry? %PRODUCTVER% does not work, I just get "%PRODUCTVER%" into the registry;)

Best regards,

12-05-2004, 06:34 AM
Hi Arnór,

Did you define a variable named %PRODUCTVER%? This variable is not defined by default.

You can do the following:


[PRODUCTVER] is the "compiler" variable you see in the General Information view.

Does this work ;)

12-05-2004, 06:50 AM
Hi Arnór,

BTW, to get the install date, please use the "Get System Information" script item (Retrieve: Current Date). You can add the value to, say, %INSTDATE%

Does this work?

12-05-2004, 10:11 AM
Hi Friedrich,

Will try it out today and let you know. No, %ProductVer% was my attempt to use the Compiler variable, but you have shown me how to do it correctly:) Thanks about the date stuff also:)

Best regards,

12-05-2004, 12:06 PM
Hi Friedrich,

Worked like a charm:)

One suggestion: When updating the registry, in the "Edit Registry Data" window, it would be nice to have a dropdowncombo with the available variables. In my case ever one of the 6 entries I have in there are variables, not contstants.

Also: When setting system values in "Get System Information" if the value is date or time, then the window prompts for a Date format/Time format. It would be nice if it showed the default format there. I have no idea what kind of format string it's expecting, @d2 or mm/dd/yyyy <g>

Best regards,

12-06-2004, 02:30 AM
Hi Arnór,

One suggestion: When updating the registry, in the "Edit Registry Data" window, it would be nice to have a dropdowncombo with the available variables. In my case ever one of the 6 entries I have in there are variables, not contstants.

Please press Ctrl+Right Mouse button ;) Does this work?

Also: When setting system values in "Get System Information" if the value is date or time, then the window prompts for a Date format/Time format. It would be nice if it showed the default format there. I have no idea what kind of format string it's expecting, @d2 or mm/dd/yyyy <g>

You are right. I'll add this!


12-06-2004, 10:39 AM
Hi Friedrich,

YES, Ctrl-Right click works - but that window also has a small caption, so you lose SB from the taskwindow if you need to switch while the "Insert Variable" window is up.

PS. You might consider adding a little string after the prompt for "Value Data:" to indicate the Ctrl-Right click option. I do that quite a bit where one key or mouse click adds non-standard functionality.

Best regards,

12-06-2004, 10:48 AM
Hi Arnór,

YES, Ctrl-Right click works - but that window also has a small caption, so you lose SB from the taskwindow if you need to switch while the "Insert Variable" window is up.

Fixed :)

PS. You might consider adding a little string after the prompt for "Value Data:" to indicate the Ctrl-Right click option. I do that quite a bit where one key or mouse click adds non-standard functionality.

Good idea!!!
