View Full Version : Code Signing Suddenly Failed

01-08-2007, 05:09 AM
SB 6.0.1718

I have code signing switched on in both the "General Information" and
for 3 separate files at the top of the script with #code-sign application.

All has been working well, now all of a sudden it's stopped and I get a
"GEN1053: Code signing process failed" message for each and every
signing attempt.

The password dialog box is being displayed. The password does appear to
be being entered.

If I remove the password from the "General Information" page and type it
in manually code signing works. Unfortunately you can't leave the
password field blank on the #code-sign application statement, so I'm a
little seriously stuck right now!

This is exactly the same issue as described by another user in the
thread "SB6 installer signing"

I may be able to add a little information though.

This morning it was all working fine.


Since installing IE7 it no longer works. This is the only thing that
has changed in the few hours I've been working today.
Simon Craythorn
InterVations, Inc

01-08-2007, 05:09 AM
I originated the other thread, and I'm also running IE7.

01-08-2007, 05:10 AM
> All has been working well, now all of a sudden it's stopped and I get a
> "GEN1053: Code signing process failed" message for each and every
> signing attempt.
> The password dialog box is being displayed. The password does appear to
> be being entered.
> If I remove the password from the "General Information" page and type it
> in manually code signing works. Unfortunately you can't leave the
> password field blank on the #code-sign application statement, so I'm a
> little seriously stuck right now!


JAT ...

Check to be sure that your certificate did not just expire.

If it did, the automated signing would be an obvious failure, but the
manual one would "appear" to work unless you look closely at the output
from the compile script - then you would see a blue line of the compile
output log indicating that the signing had failed.

That is easy to miss in a big compile.

Good luck!


Charles Edmonds

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01-08-2007, 05:10 AM
No, the certificate is still very much valid.

I've temporarily replaced the #code-sign script command with #run and am
running signcode with a command line so that I can type the password in
myself. A bit of a pain because I have to do it 4 times for this
project, but the .exe's are all definitely signed correctly.

If it's any help to Friedrich, I have a hunch that SetupBuilder is
clicking the OK button too quickly and the last character is not being
captured. I'm not certain about that but I did manage to get SB to work
occasionally by doing things that would cause a processor slow-down
while it was signing.
Simon Craythorn
InterVations, Inc

01-08-2007, 05:10 AM
Hi Simon,

Thank you for the information. We also have IE7 on two machines, but have
not seen this here. We are using the code-signing feature 300-400 times per

In the next maintenance build I'll wait, say, one second before "pressing"
return. Hopefully this will help.

I'll also make sure the password field can be left blank on the #code-sign
application statement.

Thanks again,

Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes