View Full Version : LANSRAD SetupCast and SetupBuilder 7 - User Tip!

06-28-2009, 02:45 AM
LANSRAD SetupCast and SetupBuilder 7 - User Tip!

LANSRAD is working on a series of updates for a number of products it
currently offers, and an update for LANSRAD SetupCast and SetupBuilder 7
compatibility is in the works according to Charles Edmonds of LANSRAD - but
here is a fairly easy fix to make them compatible now.

Of course, SetupCast gets it's SetupBuilder automation by reading the
SetupBuilder report htm - but current SetupCast cannot read SetupBuilder7
report htm (correctly without a slight revision) -

HOWEVER, you CAN make the current SetupCast and SetupBuilder7 report htm
compatible with the following technique!

Compile your install project in SetupBuilder 7, then you must revise the
SB7 report .htm

Load your SetupBuilder7 report htm in your favorite editor.

Notice in your SetupBuilder report htm - this section (this was compiled in
latest SetupBuilder7 build - 7.0.2639)

<td Width="20%" bgcolor="#EBEBEB"><font size="2" face=Verdana, Arial,
Helvetica, sans-serif>SetupBuilder Compiler:</font></td>
<td bgcolor="#EBEBEB"><font size="2" face=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,

Change to 6.9.2587

<td Width="20%" bgcolor="#EBEBEB"><font size="2" face=Verdana, Arial,
Helvetica, sans-serif>SetupBuilder Compiler:</font></td>
<td bgcolor="#EBEBEB"><font size="2" face=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,

6.9.2587 instead of 7.0.2639

SetupCast is looking for a number that is equal to 6.7 or greater BUT it
misinterprets the newer SetupBuilder7 number - 7.0.2639

Change the SetupBuilder7 htm report file that SetupCast needs in that
section to a 6.9 report number that it needs.

THEN, Back to SetupCast, Select SetupBuilder Build report and choose the
revised SetupBuilder report htm with the 6.9 SetupBuilder compile number it

Viola - it reads ALL the information correctly!

Of course, in SetupCast when you VIEW - View SetupBuilder Build Report - it
will display your SetupBuilder Compiler number as 6.9.2587 (or whatever 6.7
or greater number you put in) because you revised it to "make it
compatible" to make it work with SetupBuilder7 report .htm instead of the
REAL SetupBuilder7 compiler version you used - BUT it does read ALL the
other information correctly to build your SetupCast project.

AND, you'll need to do this with Each install type - Full Install - Web
Update etc

HOPE this helps current SetupCast fans!


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7.8 - Encourager Software
Product Scope 7 Viewer - NO Registration Fee! Free to Use!
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