View Full Version : WUpdate 5060 error

01-13-2007, 08:28 AM
Hi Friedrich

I've just created a wupdate setupbuilder install and when I check for
updates from my app using the Wupdate, I get the network error 5060 with
your latest build.

I've checked the ngs and found firewalls have something to do with it, so
have added Wupdate.exe to the exceptions list in Windows firewall no joy, so
I switched the firewall off and still get the network communication error

Any suggestions?

One suggestion for the lazy installer society <g> is when creating a new
webupdate project, could the ftp settings from the previous update come
across automatically as my main installer.exe is ftp'ed onto my server by
SB5 after a compile and it would be handy when running the web update wizard
if the same ftp settings could be copied across or at least the option to
copy them across if present. (File,New,Web Update Project)



01-13-2007, 08:28 AM

Check your directorys very carefully. If you ftp up to a directory and that
dosent match where it thinks the web update is when you try to update, i
think you you will get the 5060 error.. I got it earlier this week and I
think that was my problem.


01-13-2007, 08:28 AM
Hi Skip

I'm ftping upto the root, but I just tried it with username and password
becuase it doesnt need them to download and still get the error but thanks
for the heads up.<g>



01-13-2007, 08:28 AM
Hi Friedrich

I've found the problem the .wud and .0000x files are not recognised MIME
types on IIS, which basically means I can access recognised file extensions
like .exe, .pdf etc but not unrecognised file extensions like .wud and

I've added the mime extensions to my webservers so it now works fine but I
suspect others using IIS will be in the same position, so I'm thinking can
we change the file extensions to a recognised extension like .sbd for
binary patches?

This way web hosting companies are less likely to object to just two MIME
extension (.sbd & .wud) having to be added unlike lots of .0000x

Maybe something like this format for the binary patches MyWebUpdate_X.sbd ?

The reason I say this is that some hosting companies might object to the
additional .0000x mime types having to be keyed in, after all there is a
theorectical 99999 possible MIME extensions to key-in in a worst case

Any way for the time being anyone else hit with problem you need to load up
IIS, and select the website you are uploading your binary patches to,
properties, HTTP Headers tab, MIME Types button click new and type in .00001
for extension and application/octet-stream for MIME Type. Restart Website
for changes to take effect.

Or if you want to add the MIME types to every website you are hosting, load
IIS, hilight the computer node right mouse click choose properties, click
MIME Types button and add them then. Then stop and restart IIS for the
changes to take effect.
For more info http://support.microsoft.com/kb/326965



01-13-2007, 08:29 AM
Hi Friedrich

It would help if I read the your docs properly, I spotted the check box in
the IDeploy for IIS/Windows 2003 Image which does exactly what I



01-13-2007, 08:29 AM
Actually I still had to register the blank file extension in the MIME types
to get it to work properly but 2 MIME extensions "." and ".wud" is better
than a MIME type for all the cluster files.<g>