View Full Version : SetupBuilder 7.x, 8.x, ... Wish List

08-08-2009, 12:49 PM
I'd like to extend a big thank you to everyone who has tested our products
and provided great feedback to make SetupBuilder 7 ROCK!!! Without your
help, we would not be able to achieve the quality product we have today.

We are currently planning the next releases of SetupBuilder. If you have
suggestions for product enhancements that you would like to see in future
versions of the SetupBuilder product line, please let us know!

As always we want to hear what you think about SetupBuilder - the good, the
bad, and the ugly (don't be shy).

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

08-08-2009, 12:50 PM
Do you have a formal submission area, Friedrich, or prefer emails or posts

Here's my current wish list.

1. As I've mentioned before, I get tired of typing a URL over and over
(poor little Jane!). So it would be nice if there could be a default URL
stored in SB. When you run the new project wizard, it would prompt that
default to populate a compiler variable. That variable would then be the
default in the code-signing properties for the installer and for the
pre-processor code-sign script item.

2. Ability to compile an SB project as a DLL

3. When you install SB7, it asks with which prior file versions it should
associate (SB6, etc.) It would be nice if the File | Open picker could
reflect that as well. When I was doing the webinar, I caught myself because
I was hunting for an SB6 script but it didn't appear until I remembered to
switch the dropdown to SB6 instead of SB7.

Jane Fleming

08-08-2009, 12:51 PM
Hi Jane,

> Do you have a formal submission area, Friedrich, or prefer emails or posts
> here?

Good point. Feature requests can be made here (so we can discuss it) or by
using the following feedback form:


> Here's my current wish list.

Thank you for your very good suggestions!!! They are on the official Wish
List now :)

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

08-10-2009, 03:00 AM
> I'd like to extend a big thank you to everyone who has tested our products
> and provided great feedback to make SetupBuilder 7 ROCK!!! Without your
> help, we would not be able to achieve the quality product we have today.
> We are currently planning the next releases of SetupBuilder. If you have
> suggestions for product enhancements that you would like to see in future
> versions of the SetupBuilder product line, please let us know!
> As always we want to hear what you think about SetupBuilder - the good, the
> bad, and the ugly (don't be shy).


Number one on my list is this!

#embed UAC manifest compiler directive initially displays -
Compatibility Information - None

PLEASE, make the default

Compatibility Information - Windows 7

AND, if this also covers opening previous SB projects for the first time in
the latest SB7 AND the default is Compatibility Information - Windows 7,
rather than changing it myself, THAT would be VERY helpful as well.

You can only imagine my surprise when I converted my first previous SB
project to the first SB7 release that contained Windows 7 manifest, and
went to test install, and found my program WAS NOT manifested! Ugh! :-D


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7.8 - Encourager Software
Product Scope 7 Viewer - NO Registration Fee! Free to Use!
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online

08-12-2009, 01:04 AM
Hi David,

Changed now when adding a new "#embed UAC manifest..." compiler directive.
It defaults to "Windows 7" now. Thank you for your suggestion!

When opening an existing "#embed UAC manifest..." compiler directive (from a
previous version), nothing changed. It defaults to "None". The developer
has to decide what kind of Compatibility section is required for the
existing items. Selecting "None" in the "Compatibility Information" combo
will never skip manifest embedding (so the application IS manifested even if
"None" is selected).

Thanks again,

08-12-2009, 01:05 AM

I'm happy you are using:

\Setupbuilder Projects

Instead of:

\SetupBuilder 6 Projects
\SetupBuidler 7 Projects

Thank you.

Please keep it with just \SetupBuilder Projects in all future upgrades. It
makes it easy so I don't have to chnage the LicAgreement path, Readme Path,
Distribution Path with each upgrade.

Please keep that in mind with SB8 --- keeping the same exact directory is

Now ... if you just make the extension .sb instead of .sbX --- then it would
be seamless to go from SB6 and SB7, just like Clarion just uses .APP and it
knows the versions inside and out.

No reason really to have SB6 and SB7 --- the internal structure knows what
it is. I think .SB is easier and more seamless for future upgrades. Less
pull down in the FileDialog, etc.


08-12-2009, 01:05 AM
Hello Robert,

> Please keep it with just \SetupBuilder Projects in all future upgrades.
> It makes it easy so I don't have to chnage the LicAgreement path, Readme
> Path, Distribution Path with each upgrade.
> Please keep that in mind with SB8 --- keeping the same exact directory is
> helpful.

Yes, we keep it with just \SetupBuilder Projects in all future SetupBuilder

> Now ... if you just make the extension .sb instead of .sbX --- then it
> would be seamless to go from SB6 and SB7, just like Clarion just uses .APP
> and it knows the versions inside and out.
> No reason really to have SB6 and SB7 --- the internal structure knows what
> it is. I think .SB is easier and more seamless for future upgrades. Less
> pull down in the FileDialog, etc.

I agree 100%. It was "suboptimal" to use the .SB7 extension :-( .SB would
have been the better solution.


08-12-2009, 01:06 AM
As an ancient command-line person... I'd be happier with


08-12-2009, 01:06 AM

You need to delete your cmd window Jane, and start using File Explorer. :-)


08-12-2009, 01:07 AM

LOL... that's the single thing I find so far that I HATE about Win 7

On my Vista machines, I make one "regular" command-line shortcut and one
"run-as-administrator" command-line shortcut, give the admin one a blue
background so I can tell which is which at a glance, and copy BOTH shortcuts
to the quick-launch bar.

The IDJITS who designed Win7 insist that they're both the same, so I can
only put ONE of the shortcuts on the quick-launch (or whatever the new name
is for that area) now.

I know it sounds trivial... but it really annoys me to lose functionality
by "upgrading"....

Argh! Idjits!!!!!


08-12-2009, 01:07 AM
Hi Jane,

> On my Vista machines, I make one "regular" command-line shortcut and one
> "run-as-administrator" command-line shortcut, give the admin one a blue
> background so I can tell which is which at a glance, and copy BOTH shortcuts
> to the quick-launch bar.

I use Total Commander - I absolutely hate Windows Explorer! TC has a
command line so it's very easy to execute and in case you need a console all
you need is to type cmd.exe. I don't think there is an option to execute it
elevated though, but I haven't looked.

Best regards,

ArnĂ³r Baldvinsson - Icetips Alta LLC
Port Angeles, Washington
www.icetips.com - www.buildautomator.com - www.altawebworks.com

Icetips product subscriptions at http://www.icetips.com/subscribe.php

08-12-2009, 01:08 AM
Hi Jane,

why don't you make a copy (or better a hardlink) of your cmd.exe (for
example cmd2.exe)? So you can pin both to the taskbar.


08-12-2009, 01:24 AM
> Hi David,

> Changed now when adding a new "#embed UAC manifest..." compiler directive.
> It defaults to "Windows 7" now. Thank you for your suggestion!


THANK you very much for this change!

> When opening an existing "#embed UAC manifest..." compiler directive (from a
> previous version), nothing changed. It defaults to "None". The developer
> has to decide what kind of Compatibility section is required for the
> existing items. Selecting "None" in the "Compatibility Information" combo
> will never skip manifest embedding (so the application IS manifested even if
> "None" is selected).

OK, sorry about this earlier report. Not sure WHY I connected one of my
tests with SB7 compatibility information - none and seeing no manifest.

Just retested - and of course, it's definitely there!

Possibly I had a couple virtual machines up and viewed the non manifested
EXE in one folder while I was doing SB7 work in the other.

HOWEVER, I would STILL emphasize that for a lot of us - we WOULD want to
use Windows 7 compatibility information as default choice when opening an
existing #embed UAC manifest - so maybe the docs need to at least reflect
that None is the default result on existing.


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7.8 - Encourager Software
Product Scope 7 Viewer - NO Registration Fee! Free to Use!
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online

08-12-2009, 01:25 AM
Hi Friedrich!
My suggestions:

Files and Folders
- ability to remember the columns width
- ability to change the list width (I need more space in the selected files
- add the Replacement condition as a column in the selected files list
- ability to select Ckeck File (CRC) as a default
- ability to change File linking Source folder of a group of files

- a dialog to select all possible Sql servers and ask for User and Pass
verifying it connects ok


Saludos / Regards,
Alberto Michelis

08-13-2009, 02:07 AM

Actually, when I first encountered this with the RC I tried a few things.

As I said, a second shortcut to cmd.exe will not get pinned to the taskbar.

If I copy cmd.exe to a new name, say JF.EXE, I can make a shortcut to it and
pin it to the taskbar.
BUT... it's missing something.

One screen shot attached shows the "cannot find message text" error, both
when the JF.EXE window initially opens and when I try to do something with

A quick check with Dependency Walker (pic attached) shows missing
IESHIMS.DLL. So I put a copy of that into the folder with my copied .exe.
No joy - same error message. I tried renaming JF.EXE in that folder back to
CMD.EXE. Same error messages.

In addition, it appears that MS is doing something different as far as
signing Windows components. When I launch the "real" cmd.exe elevated, I
get the normal UAC prompt. When I launch my copy elevated, I get the
"unknown publisher" UAC warning (pic).
Looking at properties for the "real" cmd.exe within the System32 folder,
there's no code-signing tab (pic).

That actually makes sense, as MS has changed UAC so on Win 7 you don't get
as many popup warnings for Windows components... so it needs some way to
differentiate those from other elevated applications. I haven't delved
deeper into the UAC differences yet.

So at that point, I just kinda said "nuts"...

But I'm open to suggestions as to what I've overlooked....


08-13-2009, 02:09 AM
Just press the TAB key after typing part of the name. Presto.

Jeff Slarve

08-13-2009, 02:09 AM
Yes, that works great.
Particularly when you're dealing with folders or files that have GUIDs for
their names.

But not real handy in batch files.....


08-13-2009, 02:10 AM
Hi David,

> HOWEVER, I would STILL emphasize that for a lot of us - we WOULD want to
> use Windows 7 compatibility information as default choice when opening an
> existing #embed UAC manifest - so maybe the docs need to at least reflect
> that None is the default result on existing.

The problem is the following: let us assume, you open an existing "#embed
UAC manifest..." compiler directive from a previous SB version and "Windows
7" would be selected by default. The user sees "Windows 7" selected and
presses "Cancel" because he thinks that the option is already activated. He
compiles and, of course, no Windows 7 compatibility section was added and a
support request would be on the way to us <g>.

We'll add a note to the documentation that "None" is the default for
existing "#embed UAC manifest..." from previous SB versions.

BTW, only the developer can decide whether his application needs the "Vista"
or "Windows 7" compatibility section. Both options embed a Win7-aware
manifest -- in other woirds, even if the Vista option is selected, the
manifest is Win7-aware. "None" embeds the standard Vista-aware manifest
(not WIn7-aware).


08-13-2009, 02:10 AM
> Hi David,
>> HOWEVER, I would STILL emphasize that for a lot of us - we WOULD want to
>> use Windows 7 compatibility information as default choice when opening an
>> existing #embed UAC manifest - so maybe the docs need to at least reflect
>> that None is the default result on existing.
> The problem is the following: let us assume, you open an existing "#embed
> UAC manifest..." compiler directive from a previous SB version and "Windows
> 7" would be selected by default. The user sees "Windows 7" selected and
> presses "Cancel" because he thinks that the option is already activated. He
> compiles and, of course, no Windows 7 compatibility section was added and a
> support request would be on the way to us <g>.
> We'll add a note to the documentation that "None" is the default for
> existing "#embed UAC manifest..." from previous SB versions.
> BTW, only the developer can decide whether his application needs the "Vista"
> or "Windows 7" compatibility section. Both options embed a Win7-aware
> manifest -- in other woirds, even if the Vista option is selected, the
> manifest is Win7-aware. "None" embeds the standard Vista-aware manifest
> (not WIn7-aware).


Thanks for this expanded explanation -

"None" embeds the standard Vista-aware manifest (not WIn7-aware).

It might be helpful to add this to the documentation - just to make it a
bit more clear. Thanks!


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7.8 - Encourager Software
Product Scope 7 Viewer - NO Registration Fee! Free to Use!
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online

08-13-2009, 02:14 AM
Hi David,

> Thanks for this expanded explanation -
> "None" embeds the standard Vista-aware manifest (not WIn7-aware).
> It might be helpful to add this to the documentation - just to make it a
> bit more clear. Thanks!

Yes, I agree. Added.


08-13-2009, 02:19 AM

Thank you for your suggestions!

BTW, the "ability to select Ckeck File (CRC) as a default" is already there
(see attached screenshot).

And the new Dialog Editor allows you to develop your own "dialog to select
all possible Sql servers and ask for User and Pass verifying it connects


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

08-13-2009, 02:23 AM
Thanks Friedrich,

Any way to increment the Run Command line length and to edit it with a text
Its only 118 bytes long


Saludos / Regards,

Use TraceIt the best way to trace and support your applications!.

Use TraceIt la mejor manera de tracear y dar soporte a sus aplicaciones!

Alberto Michelis
ARMi software solutions

08-13-2009, 02:24 AM
> Any way to increment the Run Command line length and to edit it with a
> text box?
> Its only 118 bytes long

Just tested this in SB7 and the edit in "Run Command Line..." accepts 254
bytes here and the "Command Line" edit in "Run Program..." 259 bytes.

And you can always use variables in the above edit fields! You declare your
own custom variable (e.g. %MY_RUN_COMMAND_VAR%, set it to whatever you want
and then use the variable in the above function.


08-19-2009, 01:57 AM
> suggestions for product enhancements that you would like to see in future

As previously requested, I think 'grab handles' to resize the various window
portions are a *must*.
Operation like the resizable VS panes would be most acceptable


08-19-2009, 01:58 AM
> As previously requested, I think 'grab handles' to resize the various
> window portions are a *must*.
> Operation like the resizable VS panes would be most acceptable

It's on the drawing board for a later SB7.x release. Unfortunately, it's
not a trivial task to add this to the IDE.

We already have an experimental "splitter control" for SetupBuilder
available. This will be available in a later SB7.x build.

Thank you for your suggestion.

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is Windows installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

08-19-2009, 01:58 AM

For me its really 'missing' - I just now needed to debug, but couldn't see
the state of variable names and their values w/out using the horizontal
scroll.... not a 'good look'.

I look forward to it.

Steve Bywaters

08-19-2009, 02:00 AM
Thanks for all your help. We received more than 100 very good suggestions!

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is Windows installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

08-19-2009, 02:00 AM
Just "flying a kite" here.. but is there anyway to run a Debug in Test mode?

What I mean is: step the install, but don't change things like Registry
values.... because if one needs to re-run the Debug then you need to reset
the Registry et al.

Maybe what I am talking about is a "restore everything to the way it was
before I started debugging" button?

Hope this is clear.


08-19-2009, 02:01 AM

> Just "flying a kite" here.. but is there anyway to run a Debug in Test
> mode?
> What I mean is: step the install, but don't change things like Registry
> values.... because if one needs to re-run the Debug then you need to reset
> the Registry et al.
> Maybe what I am talking about is a "restore everything to the way it was
> before I started debugging" button?
> Hope this is clear.

No, this is not possible. The debug information is only useful when running
the installer in "real-life mode". You can restore everything back to the
original by running the uninstall.

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

08-19-2009, 02:01 AM
A simple breakpoint ("Go to Breakpoint"/"Go to Cursor line") option in Debug
mode would be useful - it can get very tedious repeatedly stepping through a
substantial script!


08-19-2009, 02:02 AM
> A simple breakpoint ("Go to Breakpoint"/"Go to Cursor line") option in
> Debug mode would be useful - it can get very tedious repeatedly stepping
> through a substantial script!

Added to the wish list.


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner