View Full Version : Strange WebUpdate problem

02-02-2007, 04:16 AM
I am using SB6.1750. When I run WebUpdate to check for a new version of my
program, it finds the new version, downloads it, and then runs the
application instead of the application setup.

For example:

wupdate downloads "My_Setup.exe." When the download is complete, it runs
"My.exe" which is the program, rather than My_Setup.exe.

I have another script that works correctly.

The script that works has the following line:
"Include Web Update Client "[SB5_LIB]\wupdate.exe"

The script that does not work has this line:
"Include Web Update Client "[SB_LIB}\wupdate.exe"

Is there some place where I have set the wrong information? If so, I can't
find it.



02-02-2007, 04:16 AM
Here is the solution.

The wupdate that worked had a setup program in the following format:

The wupdate that didn't work had the setup program as follows:
"My Setup.exe"

It seems that a space is not allowed in the setup name, and usually I don't
use a space, but I did this time. So, instead of calling "My Setup.exe",
wupdate called "My.exe".
