View Full Version : Copy file AFTER compile completed

02-07-2007, 11:21 AM
Is there a way to have the SB6 (Developer Edition) copy a file AFTER
it has successfully create an installation set? This is when I am
generating an installation exe and not when the customer is installing
the program.

I already have it where it will copy a file from one folder to another
during the setup creation but it occurs before it creates the
installation set. What I would like is to do it afterwards so that
this does not occur if an error occurs while the set is being made.
This scripts are being run from command line in a batch, so I do not
see what is actually happening with the build.

An alternate would be to have the program when running in command line
mode go ahead and popup a window if an error does occur. Currently it
does not seem to do that, or I am missing something.

Barton Whisler
Prosoft Inc.
Tampa, Florida

02-07-2007, 11:21 AM
Hi Barton,

Yes, no problem. Use the "#copy file" Compiler Directive and mark the
"Process after Script Compilation" option (Developer Edition only).

Does this help?


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing Certificate and SSL Certificate Partner

02-07-2007, 11:22 AM
Thanks! Guess I should have looked more closely at the screen<vbg>.
