View Full Version : Webupdate SB5

02-16-2007, 04:21 AM
Hi Friedrich,

I have a webinstall compiled with 5.6.1666. This webupdate has moved
from SB5.0 beta so there may be something stuck in it<g>

In this install I have several Crystal Reports report files (.rpt)
that are distributed to several remote sites. I have two types of
report installs, one computer that get's all reports and then all the
other sites get some reports. I use a registry entry to determine
which is which and as far as I know that works fine.

I had all the .rpt files set up with "Check File (CRC)" replacement
option and this seemed to work. I recently sent out an update and
then realized that it appeared that _none_ of the .rpt files were
being updated. It's been several months since the last update I sent
out and as far as I know and can tell that update worked and updated
the .rpt files correctly. The dates of all the reports had changed
due to a problem I had with Kaspersky 5.0 and removal procedure for
that software and several of the reports had had minor changes to
them. However it appears that _none_ of them were updated on any of
the remote sites. Other files (exes and dlls) were updated correctly.

I'm going to distribute next update with the replacement option set to
"Always" to make sure that the reports are upto date.

I seem to recall that when I started with the webupdater it had
problems with the CRC option or maybe it was the "Check File
(Date/Time)" I don't remember. Do you have any thoughts on why it
would not update the files with the CRC checking enabled?

I'm going to be moving this to SB6 soon:)

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson
Icetips Creative, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas, USA

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02-16-2007, 04:22 AM
Hi Arnór,

There was never a problem with the CRC checking. But I think in an early
beta there was a "Check File (Date/Time)" problem.

You said that the "dates" of all the reports had changed due to a problem
you had. But did the "binary contents" of the files changed as well? If
only the dates changed (and not the binary contents) then CRC checking will
*not* update those files.

You can check this with WinZip or SetupBuilder. Zip the (old) .rpt files
and compare the CRC32 with the new (date changed) .rpt files. I think the
CRC32 will be the same.

Does this help?


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing Certificate Partner

02-19-2007, 11:38 AM
Hi Friedrich,

>You said that the "dates" of all the reports had changed due to a problem
>you had. But did the "binary contents" of the files changed as well? If
>only the dates changed (and not the binary contents) then CRC checking will
>*not* update those files.

I know, but the problem was that several of the .rpt files had
changed. One I had changed that morning before I compiled the install
and that file definitely should have been updated. It wasn't. It was
set for crc checking. I then checked the files remotely between my
install and the client and noticed that several of the reports had not
been updated, i.e. the file size was different, which should trigger a
crc difference. Since each .rpt is +1MB I'd rather not add them all
with "Always" update<g> but I've set it up that way for now and will
check it out problably next week.

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson
Icetips Creative, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas, USA

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