View Full Version : GEN1053: Code signing process failed.

02-19-2007, 11:39 AM
At the end of the compile, there is a pop-up window that SEEMS to be filled
in with the right password. However, leaving this box in the default action
ALWAYS results in the above error.

After about an hour of trying everything else, I COPIED my .pvk password
into the clipboard. When the pop-up appeared, I VERY QUICKLY hit CTRL-V to
PASTE the password. That worked, there is now a SIGNED product.

1) The help instructions (.chm and .pdf) did NOT identify this error. I
was left to chance.
2) The pop-up stays open ABOUT HALF A SECOND. That is a hair-raising THIN
MARGIN for pasting. Do you suppose that window could WAIT until I click the
OK button? Also, it should not be stuffed with WRONG information!

I am extremely glad that I discovered what to do so that I DO have a signed
install set. THANK YOU for doing all the work.
Kent V. Busse, J.D.

02-19-2007, 11:39 AM
This has been an ongoing issue some of us have had with Friedrich's approach
to entering the password.
I haven't done many installers since his latest version of PKEY.EXE (look
for his Jan 28 post with attachment - subject:
Code-signing test PKEY.EXE - 30KB Attachement

) my failure rate has dropped significantly.
I still wish he'd offer the option of using a personally-created batch file
rather than relying on filling in the password window on the fly. But it's
not that big a deal to me.

If it consistently bites you, leave the password field in Friedrich's
interface blank and type the password in when the window pops up.

Jane Fleming