View Full Version : Vista SB6 Exectuion Level

02-22-2007, 03:24 AM
Just need a little clarification on Project/Settings Execution level.
As I read the documentation, this field set to requireAdministrator just
means if the user is not an administrator the installation fails.

From some of the posts here, I got the sense that the same setting
will give the setup itself elevated privileges to it can write to
protected areas such as Program Files. If that is not the case, is
there a way to do just that? I believe the #embed Vista Manifest is
just for the application being installed not the installer itself.


Casey Rippon

02-22-2007, 07:09 AM

> Just need a little clarification on Project/Settings Execution level. As I
> read the documentation, this field set to requireAdministrator just means
> if the user is not an administrator the installation fails.

No. It means the installer requests adminitsrator execution level
privileges (when running as an Administrator or Standard User). If the user
is a Standard User, Vista prompts for the administrator password. The
installer itself will not start if the administrator execution level request
failed. It's not the installation that fails - the installer does not start
in this case (Vista security feature).

> From some of the posts here, I got the sense that the same setting will
> give the setup itself elevated privileges to it can write to protected
> areas such as Program Files. If that is not the case, is there a way to
> do just that? I believe the #embed Vista Manifest is just for the
> application being installed not the installer itself.

Yes, requireAdministrator provides the installer with access to "protected

"#embed Vista Manifest" can be used to embed a Vista-aware manifest into
your own application (so your application can request a specific execution
level, e.g. asInvoker).

Does this help?


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

02-22-2007, 12:03 PM
Thanks, Friedrich

Casey Rippon