View Full Version : Code signing "failure"

02-23-2007, 03:09 AM
Well, a phoney failure this time, Friedrich.
Perhaps my Internet connectivity is slow at the moment...
But I create an installer which is supposed to be signed.
The Signtool window pops up, waits, gets password, disappears.
SB6 waits about 18 seconds, then the script completes with a 1053 "code
signing process failed" error.

OK. I see. The app is signed, but time-stamping failed. (You wrote about
commodo servers having problems at the moment.)
I switched to http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll and it

Is there a way to have the error message more specific? Or possibly to
enter a secondary time stamp server URL?


02-23-2007, 07:08 AM

The problem is that the code-signing tool does not return specific error
codes. That means, the SetupBuilder compiler has no idea why the
code-signing process failed (file locked, password incorrect, Internet
connection down, Comodo server down, etc., etc.).
