View Full Version : Setting up the Web update server

03-07-2007, 08:02 AM
This is pretty basic, but as I am very unfamilar with the ISL server I could
use a 'How to' help.
I had to reinstall my windows 2003 server, and now my webopdates of cause
has ceased to function.
What is the settings, and where do I find them?
I remember from last time (At that time I had an employee, which was a JAVA
expert, and knew everything about ISL) that the MIME settings is important.

Hopefully regards

Edvard Korsbæk

03-07-2007, 08:03 AM
Hi Edvard

Check my post WUpdate 5060 Error posted around the 12 Jan 07 on how to setup
the MIME types on a IIS webserver, it might be what your are looking for.<g>



03-07-2007, 08:03 AM
Thanks for your help!

Just to document what my problems was the following:

I needed two severs, one for outside use, and another for 'Inhouse' testing,
as the server translates port 80 to port 8081.
Port 80 is the router port
Port 8081 is internal.

The IIS should be set, so the directory is the parent for the folders for
the update.
In my example, I have WEBUPDATE_ROOT as the target for the IIS, and folders
under that for each program. This because the IIS expert believed, that he
had to set up a page for each program.
I added two MIME types (Find it under properties/HTTP Headers)
..* as Octet/Stream
..WUD as plain/text

And that was it...
Very easy when you know how to.

Perhaps an Idea for the documentation for Setupbuilder?

Best regards

Edvard Korsbæk