View Full Version : How to change the installer language without showing the language dialog

03-08-2007, 04:30 AM
I just tried to create a multilanguage installation in the current evaluation 6.0.1750.
If I don't activate Show language dialog, I only get the english interface
(Setting the variable %CURLNG% unfortunately, doesn't affect the used language either).

If I activate Show language dialog, then I get the language dialog even in silent mode (/S), which isn't really silent anymore ;-)

And.. shouldn't the current OS locale gets used instead of the default (english) language (if possible)?
A bug?

BTW: Are project files also encrypted in the paid version (version control)?

03-08-2007, 04:47 AM

> just tried to create a multilanguage installation in the current evaluation6.0.1750. If I don't activate Show language dialog, I only get the english interface (Setting the variable %CURLNG% unfortunately, doesn't affect the used language either).

%CURLNG% contains the current active language identifier. You can use the "Set Active Setup Language" script function to change the language at runtime. If you are interested, please see the "Radio Button 2.sb6" demo script.

> If I activate Show language dialog, then I get the language dialog even in silent mode (/S), which isn't really silent anymore ;-)

I agree ;-) Item in review.

> And.. shouldn't the current OS locale gets used instead of the default (english) language (if possible)? A bug?

The default is always "English". But you can use the script to change this behavious (e.g. "Radio Button 2.sb6").

> BTW: Are project files also encrypted in the paid version (version control)?

Yes. The project file is a binary file, not a ASCII file. But we'll make a function available to export it as text file.

Does this help?


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

03-08-2007, 07:33 AM
Hi Friedrich,

thanks for your help!

>> BTW: Are project files also encrypted in the paid version (version control)?

> Yes. The project file is a binary file, not a ASCII file. But we'll make a
> function available to export it as text file.
> Does this help?

Well, not for the intention to reduce overhead. And for script comparison I can use "copy text to clipboard". Therefore, leave it as it is.
