View Full Version : 32 Bit vs 64 Bit question

10-31-2009, 03:00 AM
I have to install the "SQL Server Native Client" msi on the target

How can I determine via SetupBuilder what OS is running? And when I do, how
do I tell the installer which version to install?

Here's the file(s) in question:

So - you can see here what I need to do - install the correct file depending
on whether it's 32 or 64 bit.

Krontz Media

10-31-2009, 03:00 AM

> I have to install the "SQL Server Native Client" msi on the target
> computers.
> How can I determine via SetupBuilder what OS is running? And when I do,
> how do I tell the installer which version to install?
> Here's the file(s) in question:
> sqlncli.msi
> sqlncli_64.msi
> So - you can see here what I need to do - install the correct file
> depending on whether it's 32 or 64 bit.

For example:

Set Variable %IS_64BIT% to FUNCTION:Get System Info(WOW64 Status)

If %IS_64BIT% Equals "1" Then
! Install your sqlncli_64.msi
! Install your sqlncli.msi

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is Windows installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

10-31-2009, 03:00 AM
Thanks Friedrich,
Can you give me an idea on how I can get this into my script? I tried
typing directly into the script - but cannot.

What do I use to do this with?

Krontz Media

10-31-2009, 03:01 AM

> What do I use to do this with?


Lee White

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10-31-2009, 03:02 AM
Thanks Lee, but there are 6 lines of code there that need to get into the
I've got the older version 6.9.2380, and haven't done a whole lot with it
other than what I've needed lately to package our project - which I
"thought" I had completed until the install was ran on another 64 bit
machine than my own.

I've looked thru the help on this - nothing that I could find - but I
might've missed it. I made sure to look in the help first before bugging
anyone here.

But looking at your screenshot - there's a one line variable dropdown, so
how do I get the 6 lines of code into it.

I know this seems dumb for me to ask - but I do not have much experience
with SB.

Thanks Lee for your help,
Krontz Media

10-31-2009, 03:03 AM
Nevermind - after looking around - I think I've got it - testing now. -
attached screenshot of my script towards the end of it.

Testing it in my 64 bit VM now.

Krontz Media

10-31-2009, 03:03 AM
Tried the script - didn't install the 64 bit version of the msi in question.
But it just occurred to me that the version we have - 6.9.2380 might not
return the proper WOW64 Status for Windows 7.

So, I guess I'm stuck with maintaining 2 versions of our installer - one 32
bit, one for 64 bit.

What do you think ?

Krontz Media

10-31-2009, 03:04 AM
Ok Friedrich, I cannot get SB to install this msi - sqlncli_64.msi.
It will install from Windows 7, but that does not help me as far as getting
it onto the users computer.

This is definitely a show stopper and we are having to stop the planned
release of our product now.

Can you please give me an idea of what to do ?

Krontz Media

11-01-2009, 03:08 AM

> Tried the script - didn't install the 64 bit version of the msi in
> question.
> But it just occurred to me that the version we have - 6.9.2380 might not
> return the proper WOW64 Status for Windows 7.

Your old 6.9.2380 returns the proper WOW64 Status for Windows 7.

> So, I guess I'm stuck with maintaining 2 versions of our installer - one
> 32 bit, one for 64 bit.
> What do you think ?

No, you can install both 32-bit and 64-bit versions from the same installer.

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is Windows installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

11-01-2009, 03:09 AM

> Ok Friedrich, I cannot get SB to install this msi - sqlncli_64.msi.
> It will install from Windows 7, but that does not help me as far as
> getting it onto the users computer.
> This is definitely a show stopper and we are having to stop the planned
> release of our product now.
> Can you please give me an idea of what to do ?

Let me ask so I get it clear, what you are trying to say with the above is
that you had to stop the planned release of our product because of a
showstopper in SetupBuilder 6? Did I get that right?

What on earth does SB have to do with not being able to execute the 64-bit
version of a .msi? I would suggest to check the return value of your MSI
call and then contact Microsoft to find out why their .MSI does not install.
We are NOT developers of the sqlncli_x64.msi installer!

And that brings me to the next point. Did you already notice that you have
to launch "sqlncli_x64.msi" and not "sqlncli_64.msi"? Perhaps you missed
the "x" in x64" and that's why SetupBuilder was unable to launch the

For the records: there is no showstopper in your (completely outdated)
SetupBuilder 6.9.2380 product that would cause an issue with .MSI installers
on 64-bit Windows versions.


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is Windows installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

11-01-2009, 03:11 AM
You know what Friedrich - you're right - I guess me not being able to
resolve this makes me a damn idiot.


Still cannot install the msi - and did you "think" that I might've mispelled
the msi here? In SB - I ALWAYS use the dialogs to select a file - because
I am not and do not want to work like a hand coder. Not that stupid - just
am not fluent in "your" product.


11-01-2009, 03:12 AM
> You know what Friedrich - you're right - I guess me not being able to
> resolve this makes me a damn idiot.


I don't have to defend Friedrich in his own newsgroup, but please "listen"
to his responses "VERY carefully".

He is very logically trying to help you through the process.

Most importantly, if you are installing in TODAY'S computing world, you
can't expect to use a NOW dated version of any Setup Tool (Install maker)

This is JUST in 2009 alone - Installs that worked in Windows 7 beta - DID
NOT install properly in Windows 7 Release Candidate.

AND, that is NOT the result of a particular Setup Tool MFG, but the
shifting requirements during Windows 7 development.

Many of us have taken Friedrich's advice over time, modified our methods,
and most importantly, updated to the latest SB builds, so we could
successfully launch our products in the latest Windows 7 builds.

Hopefully, you can resolve your install issues as well.


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7.9 - Encourager Software
Product Scope 7 Viewer - NO Registration Fee! Free to Use!
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online

11-01-2009, 03:14 AM
> Most importantly, if you are installing in TODAY'S computing world, you
> can't expect to use a NOW dated version of any Setup Tool (Install maker)
> software.
Yeah - I know what a "Setup Tool" is - ie: InstallShield, Wise Install,

> Many of us have taken Friedrich's advice over time, modified our methods,
> and most importantly, updated to the latest SB builds, so we could
> successfully launch our products in the latest Windows 7 builds.
I am working for a company that's almost bankrupt - so we do not have ANY
extra $$ to buy another version of SB. If it were, say, $99 or $100, then
maybe it's in the budget. But as it stands - we cannot afford to end up
spending another $200 just to get the latest version. We simply cannot.

Now... this is NOT my decision - it's my bosses. If it were up to me, we
would have the latest of everything.

> Hopefully, you can resolve your install issues as well.
I've spent an hour on the phone with another well known and very highly
respected 3rdparty developer, and the end result is that - no matter what
the reason is - the (WOW64 Status) ALWAYS returns zero. But I guess since
we do not have a current subscription - I am forced to do whatever it takes
to get this done.

as it turns out - I'm installing BOTH 32/64 bit installers and they are
smart enough to not install if the target OS is not a fit - iow, the 32 bit
ver of SQLNCLI.MSI will not run on Win64, and of course SQLNCLI_x64.MSI will
not run on a 32 bit machine. So, all I am having to do is in the script -
run both, and the proper one will get installed.

PS: As to reading the responses VERY carefully - if you David would've done
this also - you would see where I "DID" apologize to Friedrich - but I guess
you're responding to what you "want" to see.

Nonethless - thanks for your time and opinions, and enough of this - I don't
like DRAMA at all. Got too much work to do for it.


11-01-2009, 03:20 AM
And... the version we bought - and NEVER used sure was not "very outdated"
when we bought it.

Don G.

11-01-2009, 03:25 AM
> Let me ask so I get it clear, what you are trying to say with the above is
> that you had to stop the planned release of our product because of a
> showstopper in SetupBuilder 6? Did I get that right?
NO - you did not - you said that - not me.

> What on earth does SB have to do with not being able to execute the 64-bit
> version of a .msi? I would suggest to check the return value of your MSI
> call and then contact Microsoft to find out why their .MSI does not
> install.
> We are NOT developers of the sqlncli_x64.msi installer!
Because it will not install it - that's obviously why I stated that - why
else would I ?

> And that brings me to the next point. Did you already notice that you
> have
> to launch "sqlncli_x64.msi" and not "sqlncli_64.msi"? Perhaps you missed
> the "x" in x64" and that's why SetupBuilder was unable to launch the
> installer?
Totally irrelevant - misspelled it "here" but not in the script - see other


11-01-2009, 03:26 AM
And - one more thing...
> version of a .msi? I would suggest to check the return value of your MSI
> call and then contact Microsoft to find out why their .MSI does not
> install.
Installs by double-clicking, and from the command line - just exactly like
the 32 bit version does.


11-01-2009, 03:27 AM
One thing about me Friedrich - when I make a mistake - I WILL own up to it.

I, Don G., of Krontz Media, formally apologize to Friedrich Linder for any
unwelcomed comments I might've made.

Reason being, I was getting the right filename for the "Install to..."
stuff, but... just like Friedrich said - I mis-spelled the msi - because it
was going into a %TMPDIR%, and therefore I could not select it to make sure
the filename was correct.

I had it trying to run this: SQLCNLI_64.MSI when it should've been
SQLNCLI_x64.MSI - missed the dang " x " <g>.

Sorry, and thanks Friedrich.

This was also resolved in part to a phone call from Bo that got me on the
right track,

Don G.
Krontz Media

11-01-2009, 03:28 AM
> One thing about me Friedrich - when I make a mistake - I WILL own up to
> it.

I can vouch for that. It is one thing that sticks in my mind about you Don.
You done good. Quite refreshing in these parts of the woods.

J André Labuschagné

11-01-2009, 03:29 AM
Thanks Andre.
I was wrong - I admit it - simple as that!

Have a good weekend,
Don G.
Krontz Media

11-01-2009, 03:30 AM
You're welcome and have a great weekend.

J André Labuschagné

11-02-2009, 02:28 AM

Please accept my public apology for my previous reply. It was completely
unprofessional and out of line -- and yes, my wife already told me off for

The whole purpose of this newsgroup is to get help resolving problems or
answering questions such as yours and for others to learn. My answer solved
your problem, but it was unbelievably unprofessional and rude. It will not
happen again in the future.

Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is Windows installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

11-02-2009, 02:30 AM
Uppity woman! <G>

Jane Fleming

11-02-2009, 02:33 AM
> Uppity woman! <G>

"Commander in chief" <g>


11-02-2009, 02:33 AM
> "Commander in chief" <g>


Mark Riffey
If Guy Kawasaki and the staff of the Wall Street Journal,
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11-02-2009, 02:34 AM

Russell B. Eggen
Clarion developers: www.radfusion.com/devs.htm

11-02-2009, 02:35 AM
Otherwise simply referred to as the boss.

J André Labuschagné

11-02-2009, 02:36 AM
> Otherwise simply referred to as the boss.

There are only two types of men.

Those who know and admit that ... and the rest are self-delusional liars.



Charles Edmonds
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11-02-2009, 02:37 AM
Jane - you are too much <g>.

Have a good weekend,
Don G.

11-02-2009, 02:40 AM
Please, no apology necessary. I was quite rude myself - and "TRULY" feel
bad about it - believe it or not - but I actually lost a little sleep over
it last night. I've just been back and forth with the American Cancer
Society - trying to get aid in the treatment of a personal illness, and it
and the illness has taken it's toll on me mentally.

So, it is -I- who hope you will forgive me.

Don G.

11-02-2009, 02:40 AM
> Don,
> Please accept my public apology for my previous reply. It was completely
> unprofessional and out of line -- and yes, my wife already told me off for
> it.


Your wife gave you excellent advice to followup - but please don't be too
hard on yourself.

You work tirelessly to help us - and, in 99 percent plus of the time, you
are one of the most diplomatic vendors when supplying support -

let's face it, some of us (AND I HAVE BEEN guilty) - just plain make the
wrong assumption about a particular operation of SetupBuilder - yet you
patiently and diplomatically explain to us - "the solution".

Thanks for this followup to Don - and by my remarks, I didn't intend to
insult Don -

so, Don, please accept my apologies for how you took my remarks.

I mostly read through to the logic of Friedrich's response, and not the
"roughness" of how he responded.


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7.9 - Encourager Software
Product Scope 7 Viewer - NO Registration Fee! Free to Use!
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online

11-03-2009, 03:39 AM

J André Labuschagné