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11-05-2009, 02:49 AM
In compiling an SB6 project in SB7 on a new computer and I get the following

"Reference to constant $WIN_Vista$ has not been defined "

and series of errors related to my sbi file saying reffernces to constants
(i.e. $SB_SILENTMODEFLAG$ and $IDYES$) have not been defined,

Any hints?


Lynn Howard

11-05-2009, 02:50 AM
What is the date/version of the "common definitions.sbi" include file with
your project?

Jane Fleming

11-05-2009, 02:50 AM

> Any hints?

Make sure you "include" the Common Definitions.sbi before you use the

And what Jane said. Make sure you are not using a very old "Common
Definitions.sbi" from a previous SB5.x or SB6.0 install.


11-06-2009, 02:59 AM
Aha. Thank you Jane and Friedrich.

In the SB7 Project there is no Common sbi folder when I display the script.
Suggestions welcome and why did it not appear when I recompiled my app?

Thanks a bunch!


11-06-2009, 03:00 AM
Hi Lynn,

> Aha. Thank you Jane and Friedrich.
> In the SB7 Project there is no Common sbi folder when I display the
> script. Suggestions welcome and why did it not appear when I recompiled my
> app?
> Thanks a bunch!

Perhaps you have a path to the "Common Definitions.sbi" hard coded and that
path does not exist any longer?

Just check the "#include script..." item and remove the hard coded path.
SetupBuilder will then link the default one.

By default, it looks like this:

[ Initialize Setup ]
! --- Define commonly used constants ---
#include script "Common Definitions.sbi"

And if the '#include script "Common Definitions.sbi"' is entirely missing in
your project then you accidentally deleted it :)

Hope this helps.


11-06-2009, 03:01 AM
Would I have deleted a line by mistake? No chance ;-)

However the line was not there so I added it back and all is peachy.

Thanks again for wonderful support!
