View Full Version : Custom Dialog - Manipulate controls

11-05-2009, 02:57 AM

Is it possible to manipulate a control (ie. disable/hide etc.) in the wizard
loop? For example I have a checkbox on the form, if checked on I need to
enable another control and vice-versa.

Thank you
Hanspeter Stutz
Global System AG

11-05-2009, 02:58 AM
Hi Hanspeter,

> Is it possible to manipulate a control (ie. disable/hide etc.) in the
> wizard loop? For example I have a checkbox on the form, if checked on
> I need to enable another control and vice-versa.

Sure, no problem. As an example, see the "Custom Dialog 2.sb7" demo or the
attached new "EnableDisable Control Demo.sb7".

Does this help?


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is Windows installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

11-05-2009, 03:00 AM
Or this one (see attached "EnableDisable Control Demo2.sb7").


11-05-2009, 04:37 AM
RTFM - one day I will make it :-)

Perfect, thank you!!!


11-05-2009, 04:37 AM
> RTFM - one day I will make it :-)
> Perfect, thank you!!!

It was a very good question :-) That's why I developed two new examples <g>


11-05-2009, 04:37 AM
Hi Friedrich,

Ok needed some moments to find the correct Script function. Maybe it's just
me but sometimes I need some time to find the correct function and then I
wonder (after I found it) why I didn't find it faster.

I see the functions are well organised but imo there's some space for
improvement. Some ideas:

- Add another Level in the Script Functions tree so one function might
appear in different groups
Example: Edit INI File function

General Installer Functions
FILE Functions
Edit Ini File
Copy File

INI Functions
Edit Ini File

REGISTRY Functions
Copy Registry Key

COPY Functions
Copy File
Copy Registry Key

I don't know if the above makes sense and the tree might even be more
confusing?! And if you plan something like this it'd be nice if the groups
can expand and contract and does remember the settings.

Another nice thing would be a fulltext search below the Standard and Custom
button so the list reduces while you type (two or more words act as an AND
operator). I'm pretty sure the script list will grow with each new release
so (again IMO) a new user prefer to have a reduced function list at startup.

On the other side new users probably read the manual first, I do not :-)

I like the idea with the custom list but usually the function I'm looking
for isn't there :-)

Besides this I really love SB7 - especially the custom dialogs, it just

Thank you

11-05-2009, 04:58 AM
Hi Hanspeter,

> I see the functions are well organised but imo there's some space for
> improvement. Some ideas:

I like your ideas and will give it some thoughts! Thank you for your

> On the other side new users probably read the manual first, I do not :-)

;-) And don't forget Jane's excellent "Learning SetupBuilder Part I --
Everything you ever wanted to know about SetupBuilder but were afraid to
ask" introductory material. Much more than a simply manual, it's a
SetupBuilder Bible.

> Besides this I really love SB7 - especially the custom dialogs, it just
> rocks!!!!

Thank you very much!!


11-06-2009, 03:01 AM
Hi Friedrich,

Wow, just reading Jane's material - good stuff.


11-06-2009, 03:02 AM
Written for men who don't RTFM <G>

Jane Fleming

11-06-2009, 03:02 AM
<VBG> .... and very true!!!!

Hanspeter Stutz