View Full Version : Automatic Updates.. automatically.

11-12-2009, 03:46 AM
I'm not sure the best way to go about this. I want my program to be able to
check for updates automatically.. shut itself down and update itself. I
already have my update install re-running the program automatically.. so
I've got the last part done. All of this has to be done without operator

I know I can run wupdate from my program, and perhaps do some tweaking in
wupdate... but I don't want the program to shut down unless there is a newer
version. So, I guess I need to know how to check for updates first, then
I'll worry about how to run wupdate and shut my program down at the same

Any hints and tips would be appreciated :)


Ray Rippey
VMT Software - http://www.vmtsoft.com

11-12-2009, 03:47 AM
Look at wucheck.exe in the SB help file to see how to check for a newer
version silently without having to run elevated.

Jane Fleming

11-12-2009, 03:47 AM
Thanks Jane, I'll check it out.
