View Full Version : Overwriting newer versions of a file with older version.

Modest Automatisering BV
11-19-2009, 10:23 AM
Hi All,

We've been searching the forum, but unable to find a solution.

We can't seem to find overwrite options... We notice that we make a new release of our software, however, some parts of the installation are NOT ours. What we've noticed is that newer versions of supplied files don't neccesarily have a newer product / file version and also not neccesarily a newer filedate. (yeah, it's weird but okay).

What can we do to make sure that regardless of date / time / product / file version of any file that's currently in the target folder will be overwritten with what's inside the new setup file?

Thanks for all the insights!

Mark Pronk
Modest Automatisering BV

11-20-2009, 02:36 AM
Hi Mark,

Hi All,

We've been searching the forum, but unable to find a solution.

We can't seem to find overwrite options...

I fear I do not understand. What does the above mean? What kind of "overwrite option" are you looking for?


11-20-2009, 02:37 AM
BTW, if you set the File Replacement Option to "Always" then all files are overwritten.


11-20-2009, 04:01 AM
BTW, if you set the File Replacement Option to "Always" then all files are overwritten.


Hi Friedrich,

You mean the setting in the general options of SB7? Or somewhere in the project's settings?

Assuming you mean in the general settings, since i can't find any other "always" option.

The one that under Tools / Options / Tab Preferences i assume? Has these options:

Default / Aways / Never / etc?

Thanks in advance!

Mark Pronk
Modest Automatisering BV

11-20-2009, 04:32 AM
Hi Mark,

No, the General Options are used to define default configuration settings for new projects.

Please open the File Properties for your file(s) and select the Conditions tab. There you find all the replacement options. And of course, you can use the script functions to develop your own replacement methid.

See screenshot from the following thread:


11-20-2009, 09:11 AM
Hi Mark,

No, the General Options are used to define default configuration settings for new projects.

Please open the File Properties for your file(s) and select the Conditions tab. There you find all the replacement options. And of course, you can use the script functions to develop your own replacement methid.

See screenshot from the following thread:


Okay, i see.

Weird, we still think some or more files arent overwritten while the overwrite option in the conditions tab is "always". Could this have anything to do with files that might be in use? In SB5 i remember there was this option that checked whether the files that the installer contains are in use at the moment. Maybe it's because they're locked. But hmmm...

Lemme think about this for a weekend or so... Fed up with work for today. ;-)

Enjoy the weekend Friedrich, say hi to Andrea from us all!


11-20-2009, 10:01 AM

If the files are in-use, then the installer asks for a reboot and Windows will then replace the files. This is the default option.

You can still check (before you install) if they are in-use (see Check In-use File and Check In-use Folder Tree functions).
