View Full Version : SQL installs, patches, queries, and ideas

11-26-2009, 03:26 AM

A thought.
I have noticed that MANY of us here are writing installs for stuff that use
SQL databases.
Have you given any thought to incorporating something like SQLCMD.exe into
SetupBuilder, and having a set of instructions related to SQL?
for example, perhaps a Handle SQLQuery that would work similar to a
Directory listing, where you could Que through the results. Or, a Handle
SQLSP which would execute a store procedure, and return the error codes if

Just thinking out loud about my favorite tool (SetupBuilder, of course) in
my programming toolbox...


11-26-2009, 03:27 AM

Built-in support for SQL is already in development (based on the MSSQL OLE
DB provider to execute a SQL query, execute a SQL script, retrieve a row of
data from the SQL server, etc), but it does not have top priority (at the
moment). Adding new functionality is a priority-driven processes. If we
receive multiple requests for the same feature then chances are that it
might get a higher development priority. The problem is that, based on the
total number of SetupBuilder users worldwide, there are only very few
requests for built-in SQL support.

What kind of built-in SQL functionality do you need to make your life


11-26-2009, 03:28 AM
Retriving rowS (plural) of data from SQL via table function or direct query
into SB que would be right at the top of the list.
We do that for verifying dataversion of the database, testing for existance
of different tables/views/functions/sp's/etc.

Second would be the ability to create a Function/SP/View/etc., but that
could be done via query (perhaps).

BTW, do you have ANY idea what goose-bumps I got when I read this?????


PS. OK all you SQL developers out there, you heard the man! PUSH IT TO THE

Glenn Paschal

11-26-2009, 03:29 AM

In the interim, you could use Clarion to create your own DLL to do the
queries you want.
Then invoke that as a support file within your installer.
