View Full Version : Command Line Compile - Wrong release

12-11-2009, 04:07 AM
During command line SetupBuilder compile, I have noticed that if I have a an
incorrect Release name in the /R switch, I get no error messages, no
compiler.txt is created, it just doesn't do anything.
I assume it is trying to do a regular non-release compile, which in my case,
is invalid.

Would it be possible to put an error message into the compiler.txt that says
something like "Hey, bonehead, you picked the release you picked doesn't
Or, is there a way I can "raise error" on a given condition? (I already am
checking the release and if it's empty, the compile stops with a bunch of

I am using a BuildAutomator to build all my compiles, and was testing the
existance of compiler.txt to determine whether or not the compile was


12-11-2009, 04:08 AM
Hi Glenn,

> During command line SetupBuilder compile, I have noticed that if I have a
> an incorrect Release name in the /R switch, I get no error messages, no
> compiler.txt is created, it just doesn't do anything.
> I assume it is trying to do a regular non-release compile, which in my
> case, is invalid.
> Would it be possible to put an error message into the compiler.txt that
> says something like "Hey, bonehead, you picked the release you picked
> doesn't exist"
> Or, is there a way I can "raise error" on a given condition? (I already
> am checking the release and if it's empty, the compile stops with a bunch
> of #msg's.)
> I am using a BuildAutomator to build all my compiles, and was testing the
> existance of compiler.txt to determine whether or not the compile was
> successful.

Hmm, it "should" report an "Fatal Compiler Error: Release object not found.
Unknown Release: yada".

I'll check this.


12-12-2009, 03:14 AM

Unfortunately, we can't reproduce this on any of our machines :-(

We are doing this:

sb7.exe /C "C:\test\test.sb7" /R "New Release 9"

"New Release 9" does not exist!

The compiler.txt is created and reports:

Fatal Compiler Error: Release object not found. Unknown Release: New Release
9 (see attached screenshot).


12-12-2009, 03:15 AM
Hmm... weird...
In the top of my script, I have:

#ifcompvar [SB_RELEASEID] Length Equal To "0" Then
#msg " "
#msg " ** Please compile one of the Releases. ** "
#msg " "
#msg " ** Compile Aborted ** "
#msg " "

Could the #halt be causing this to not report an error?
Would ReleaseID be "set to empty string" because it isn't a valid release?

Glenn Paschal

12-12-2009, 03:16 AM
> Could the #halt be causing this to not report an error?
> Would ReleaseID be "set to empty string" because it isn't a valid release?

No, I don't think so. The fatal error is reported before any preprocessor
item is executed.


12-12-2009, 03:16 AM
my command line is:

"C:\Program Files\Lindersoft\SetupBuilder 7 Developer\sb7.exe" /C
"C:\_Current\_TirePower\Install\Setup Builder\Tire Power Server Patch.sb7"
/R "Normalx" /L "C:\_Current\_TirePower\Install\Setup Builder\Logs"

Note: Normalx is invalid, should be Normal.
I still get no compiler.txt.
Running version 7.0.2762
What else should I check?

Glenn Paschal

12-13-2009, 08:33 AM

> What else should I check?

Definitely a documentation issue. You have to set the /L switch after the
/C switch.

It should be:

"C:\Program Files\Lindersoft\SetupBuilder 7 Developer\sb7.exe" /C
"C:\_Current\_TirePower\Install\Setup Builder\Tire Power Server Patch.sb7"
/L "C:\_Current\_TirePower\Install\Setup Builder\Logs" /R "Normalx"

Does this work?

We'll add this to the documentation in the next build.


12-15-2009, 02:50 AM
Re-check my command line... the /L switch IS AFTER the /C switch.
summarized... "path/sb7.exe" /C "path/file.sb7" /L "path" /R "release"

Glenn Paschal